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Bonjour! So this is my first time after 7387382 years hiatus from writing a fanfic. This is a Grizi ff in honour of Euro 2016. I am so sorry if there are many grammatical errors because English isn't my mother language hehehe. And for any coincidence for the characters' names, settings,etc I just want to tell you all that this story purely from my ideas :) Enjoy reading!


Author's POV

"Monsieur Griezmann, I hate you okay. Where the hell you hide my notebook?" said this 14-year-old girl while searching up her notebook.

"I didn't hide it. HAHAHA oops," a 16-year-old boy called Griezmann was holding up the girl's notebook.

"I freaking hate you Grizi, please return that thing to me, right now!" the girl still trying to catch her notebook but failed miserably because apparently the boy's height was 10 cm much taller than hers.

"Dear Dylan, I've been admiring you since you answered Ms. Kara hard question about molecule thingy-," "stop it Antoine! It's embarrassing you know!" "Your eyes...are like those gorgeous little shiny stars. I found myself lost everytime you looked at me....HAHAHA! For the first time, I just know that you can be so melancholic, Rain," Antoine Griezmann couldn't help himself by not laughing through his bestfriend's love letter to his friend, Dylan Deschamps.

"If murder wasn't a sin, I would f###ing murder you by now Antoine!" finally Rain got her notebook back. Suddenly Antoine stopped his laugh and look intensively at Rain's face, "did your dad hit you again?"

Rain sighed, Antoine would always knew when she got hit by her dad, but she didn't want to make Antoine worried, " no, I was going to buy something at the Supermarket and then some boys were playing football and the ball hit right next to my lips." "You know Rain? You very suck at lying okay so you better tell me what happened yesterday after I brought you home," Antoine pulled her right hand to sit beside him on the long bench. Luckily there's no one, "sometimes I hate the fact that we've been best friends since kindergarten." Rain rolled her pretty hazel eyes. Antoine chuckled, "this is what best friends for, my Rain," Rain didn't know but she felt herself blushing after Antoine said she was his Rain .

"Up to you Mr. Grizi." "Back to the main topic, what happened yesterday?" Antoine looked straightly through Rain's hazel eyes. "Yeah, basically I cleaned myself up and I forgot to put my dirty clothes into the washing machine, so when my dad knew, he slapped me. But it's okay Grizi, I am okay right now, because of you," Rain felt like she's gonna end up crying but she held it and smiled to prove that she's really alright.

"Rain?" Antoine touched Rain's face. Suddenly Rain felt the same thing again, she got herself blushing and her stomach was like filled by many butterflies.

"Yes Grizi?"

"You know I will always be there for you, right?"

"I know Grizi. You are my bestest best friend I've ever had."

"I don't know why your dad always gets so sensitive when you did a little mistake but as long I'm with you, you can call me or I can pick you to my house so you can get chill at the moment."

"That'd be lovely Antoine, thank you so so much."

Antoine hugged her. He swore that he wouldn't let Rain being sad again. She's his everything. He would protect her at all costs.


Aw antoine is such a lovely best friend :(

If only I have a boy best friend duh...

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