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i give u a pict of Rain. She's absolutely ultimate gorgeous x


Dylan's POV

"Thank you so much for helping me Rain," I said to Rain as I already done with my homework.

"No problem hehe. Anyways your mom is so cool. I wish my mom was still alive," I could see her missing her mom so much.

"I bet your mom was the best. She must be proud for having a smart daughter like you," I tried to cheer her up as she only smiled. "Thanks Dylan."

"Pas de problème (no problem). It's nearly 7 pm so I'm gonna take you home. MOM...DAD...I'M GONNA TAKE RAIN HOME FIRST SO DON'T MISS ME," I screamed as I heard my mom's voice," YES, PLEASE PROTECT MY FUTURE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW."

"We better go if you don't wanna hear any weird conversations again," Rain chuckled. She's so cute oh my God.

Author's POV

"You and Antoine, since when you both started being best friends?" Dylan asked as he and Rain already on the shuttle bus.

"About since we're in the kindergarden hehe, why?" Rain looked at the outside, drop by drop of water fell soaked the earth.

"It's going to rain soon. No just asking, because you both are so close," Dylan seemed enjoy the weather.

"He's been always there for me when I needed someone to encourage me, even he can be a little douchebag like what he did lately," Rain sighed.

"Maybe I can too," Dylan smiled warmly.

"Thank you Dylan, you are such a cutie," Rain laughed as the bus stopped near Rain's house.

"Omg Dylan, we both are so wet haha," as they entered Rain's house. Seemed her dad hadn't come home yet.

"Haha it's alright though. As long as I'm with you, I'm willing to through the lightning storms."

"You sounded so cheesy Mr. Deschamps. Oh and by the way, I will bring you my dad's clothes since yours are already all wet. I'll be back in 5 minutes okay," Rain ran to the upstairs.

"My dad won't be using this clothes anymore since it's already too small for him . You can use our restroom to change yours," Rain gave Dylan a black T-shirt and a sport shorts.

"Merci Rain!!!" as Dylan went to the restroom, Rain also went to her room to change her clothes.

"I'm gonna go home. Thanks for today, Rain," Dylan softly kissed Rain's cheek and Rain could feel her body sculpting for a while.


Antoine's POV

"Hello sir? This is Antoine Griezmann. I'm about to tell you about my decision," I sighed heavily.

"Oh, hey there Mr.Griezmann. I hope it's a good one."

"I agree to move to your club, Real Sociedad."

"Good...good...I'll come to your training center tomorrow."

"Good. We're also having a friendly match tomorrow against AS Monaco youth team."

"See you tomorrow Griz."

I hoped this was the best decision I'd ever made.

Rain's POV

I felt so happy because Dylan also kept his eyes on me, but I missed him.

Yes him,

Antoine freaking Griezmann.

Wasn't it crazy ? It's just a day I didn't talk to him as usual. I felt some part of me died.

"I think I should call him," as I pressed some numbers on my phone.

Hello it's France's future top scorer. You can leave the voicemail as I'll listen to it later.

"Hello Grizi, I know maybe you're busy but can we talk tomorrow? I am so sorry if I did something wrong today but, I miss you so much," I ended my voicemail.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrated. Wait, it's unknown numbers.

Unknown : Hello Rain! It's ya boi Dylan here!! Save my number ok?

Wait what? Dylan messaged her?!

Me : Hello Didi! Omg Didi sounds good feels good hahaha :D

Didi : Yay finally I have my own nickname from the Juliet hehe. I'm gonna call you Juliet by now *wink wink*

Me : Lol no, I don't wanna end my life because a boy u know. So, why u messaged me?

Didi : Do u have a plan tomorrow after school? I wanna bring you somewhere. Not that far, I'm sure you will arrive at your house on time.

Me : i think nah. Ok Didi, just bring me back safely and on time okay or my dad would chop my head off.

Didi : Before he did it, I'd volunteer myself to replace you Juliet. Haha! Ok, see you tomorrow,my Jule!

My Jule.



Me : Good night Didi. May Lord blessing u.

Didi : Sweeet dreeammm my Julee! Gbu too! X

I'd have sweet dreams for sure.



Anyways the readers nearly 1k im SCREAMING OK I LOBE U ALL

-cea xx

This One's For You // Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now