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Rain's POV

9 years later...

"Ms. Rain, your article deadline is until the next 2 weeks. I hope you're already finding good time to interview the players," said Madame Grace as my chief manager.

"Oui Madame. I already set the date and the time," I smiled to her. I knew I'd always fast in any occasions.

"Good job. Oh and by the way, this company has a new photographer or maybe a cameramen too because he's so good at it and he has a special link to the Les Bleus. He will be your partner when you interview the Frenchies," after Madame Grace said that, there's someone behind her,





"How are you, Jule?" oh my God, after 9 years without contacted each other, finally I met my used to dream boy. We're currently at our office's canteen and only few of employees ate here so we didn't feel disturbed at all.

"I honestly still surprised that you actually work at here, Didi," I found it cute because we still called each other by our own's nicknames.

"Hahaha, actually Madame Grace asked me if I could join her company because she had seen my works before and she got impressed by it so yeah here I am."

"Madame Grace asked you?! Dude, she really likes you! Madame Grace is so perfectionist at everything. You are special, Didi" I smiled.

"You still haven't changed for these last 9 years, have you?" Dylan rubbed my cheek. I could feel my cheeks betraying me right now because they redden-ed themselves without my permission.

"Yeah I am still Rain Jarta as you can see, I can't change my name, Didi hahaha," I tried to laugh to liquefy the atmosphere.

"I know you won't believe this but, after all these 9 years. I still have feelings on you and I think it begins deeper and deeper each day, Rain."

I just looked down because I couldn't stare longly to those fragile eyes. He still had feelings on me yet, I nearly forgot him.

"It will fade away one day, Dylan. But promise me one thing, please don't let our personal life ruins our career, okay?"

"I'm trying to be a professional here. And yeah, I agree," Dylan smiled again.

"Good boy," I caressed his brown hair gently. I couldn't believe that this handsome man still stumbled for me and I knew many girls out there were dying just to be in my position. I was such a lil piece of shit, I was wasting someone that really loved me for someone that clearly already forgot me since 9 years ago.

"That day, when I confessed everything, will always be valid till forever, Rain. I will be patiently wait till I can win your heart again. I need you as the moon needs the sun to shine it up. You are my sun, Rain. But I will always stay as one of your million stars, and it's nearly dead." Dylan looked starightly into my eyes.

What had I done to this perfect man until he's so messed up just because of me, Rain freaking Jarta?

Author's POV

Rain back to work after that 'day' with Dylan. Both of them seemed professionally doing their works but deep inside, they're screaming for something they couldn't reach.

"Ms. Rain, your schedule with the France national team , will be starting in 2 days. I hope you're already preparing anything well. And for Mr. Deschamps, you'll accompany Rain and then take some videos for our documentary. Our company needs to give the best since majority of our people already trust us as their trusted news source," said Madame Grace to both Rain and Dylan.

"Yes, Madam," said Rain and Dylan together.




Rain went to her own apartment. Her apartment wasn't that far from her workplace so she usually took a shuttle bus that directly stop in front of her apartment.

She changed her work dress into something more comfortable, Antoine's.

It's already Rain's schedule to open up the box that Antoine had give her 9 years ago. She replayed all the songs with medium sound. She had major flashbacks when she and Antoine always spent time together, Rain's dad that always mad but Antoine was always her saviour at any time, and lastly, Antoine and Marie.

"It's been 9 years and I still haven't got any messages nor calls from him. Maybe he already forgets me that fast since he already has Marie?" Rain thought in herself. She started to laugh because all she did along these 9 years was the same as Dylan's did. The feelings would never fade away.

"I am truly, madly, deeply missing you, Antoine Griezmann."




"We're having our first interview before the Euro 2016 begins. Are you ready boys?" said a 47-year-old man.

"Is the interviewer a girl or a boy? Maybe if it's a girl I can ask her out." asked someone as the entire squad started cheering on him.

"Booo Kingsley!!! You already have Sephora and you want another? I will tell Sephora right now!" said another man as the other just laughed because their teammates were so hilarious time by time.

"From the news I got from our committees, it'll be a girl. She's a 24-year-old woman and I heard, she's one of France best journalists," said the coach.

"Hey Antoine, you haven't opened that lucky bracelet since our first meeting. Maybe you'll meet her somewhere since you already in France right now."

"I feel bad for her because I've never messaged nor called her. I will tell the interviewer tomorrow to put her name on their magazine because I do really need to see her as soon as possible," Antoine looked at his bracelet.

"You sounded like a desperate husband that hasn't met his wife for a long damn century, Antoine. But I do pray that you'll meet her soon."

"Amen. Thanks Pogi," Antoine smiled at his team-mate.

"My name is Pogba not Pogi you idiot," complained Pogba but Antoine ignored it.


Let's just hoped tomorrow would be a good day for everyone.

This One's For You // Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now