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Rain's POV

I went home with abstract mind. All these things happened rapidly. I looked at this comely ring when Antoine gave me.

Am I sure our friendship will long last?

"La merde! (shit!) I come home late! Oh God please, I hope my dad hasn't arrived yet," I prayed in my heart as I entered to my house. I saw a car, I began lunatic, apparently my dad already arrived at home.

"Oh look who's being a patriot? You think you're allowed to ignore my rules?! You become riotous day by day huh, Rain Jarta?" My dad already standing in front of me when I passed the living room. I freezed,

"no dad, Je suis désolé d'être en retard (Sorry I'm late). I promise you I will not be late again," I looked down to my feet, resignedly if my dad beaten me up at anytime.

"I'm so sick of all your bullshit promises! Oh, it seems this little patriot just back from her sauveur(savior)'s house. Oh how sweet he is, gave you his jersey as you wear it," my dad pulled my jersey disgustly.

" That boy, Antoine Griezmann, gives you many bad influences since you've been so attached to him. I, personally, very very disagree you're being friends with him. I only kind to him because his dad is like the successful businessman so I must pretend that I like him so his dad can give me money and it's worked out," I was so surprised hearing my dad's confession.

"What?" I still tried to digest all of his words.

"I am so happy because finally, that boy soonly leaves Macon. Don't you ever contact him again! Or you'll know the consequences. I heard, tomorrow he's going to Spain right? Don't meet him," my dad gave me an ultimatum as it's final, couldn't be disaproved.

"But, I want to meet him for the last time, dad! I refuse this with all my heart! He's been there when everyone is like leaving me, even YOU!" I felt my right cheek in pain, my dad slapped me.

"I AM YOUR DAD, I RAISE YOU EVEN WHEN YOUR MOM DIED! HOW COULD YOU BE SO DISRESPECTFUL LIKE THIS TO ME?! Oh I know, that bast*rd has taught you many ways how to counter back your dad? Great! It convinces me more that you mustn't meet him anymore! Now go to your room, before I manhandled you!"

"But dad-"

"No more excuses. Oh, give me your phone, I'm gonna take this thing away until tomorrow night so you won't be able to contact with him again."

I gave him my phone. There's no more room to disobey him. I quickly ran to my room.

I am so sorry, Antoine, I hope we can still meet again somewhere.

Distance may separates us

There will always be a person trying to segregate us

Stay with me,


I will not leave nor forsake you

We will try to find our ways to get back together


"I know I won't be able to meet him starting from tomorrow, but God, please protect Antoine Griezmann so he can landed safely in Spain. He can achieve his ultimate dream to be a professional footballer, and the most important thing is, let me and him get reunited one day. Amen," I prayed silently.

I cried hardly. Never thought my dad would be that catty about Antoine.

Author's POV

Today was the day. Rain went to school with no hopes. She seemed very awful.

This One's For You // Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now