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Author's POV

The news that Antoine was going to move to Spain as he wanted to begin his professional football career already got spread by everyone in school. Many of them, especially the girls students, gave Antoine a thing to be remembered. Like this one:

"Umm...hi Antoine, I give you a map of Macon so you'll remember where you belong and also, remember me. Hehehe. I love you Antoine!" said one of the girl students. Not long after it, the bell rang, made a huge relived for Antoine so he wouldn't be surrender by all these girls.

"Woah...woah...Look who's being a star right now. You get so many things, Antoine," said someone. Antoine just weak-smiled.

"Yeah, I don't know the news already get spread in school hehehe. You haven't attended your class yet, Marie?" Antoine asked as Marie gave him something.

"Can I give you something too? I want you to remember me too," Marie gave Antoine a T-shirt with AG name on it.

"Your design skills are getting better. I personally honored receiving one of your design hehe. It's simple but eye-catching, Thank you so much Marie, of course I won't forget you," Antoine gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

"You are so irresistible, you know it huh?" Marie gave him a teasing smile.

"I know. Don't catch feelings too fast Marie hahaha. Okay, I'm gonna attend my class. See you later!" Antoine tapped Marie's shoulder as he began walk away.

"I am definitely going to win you back, Antoine,"

Rain's POV

"Rain Jarta, could you read aloud your writing to the class?" said her Literature teacher.

"Okay Miss!" I stood up and began reading my poem.

If your children tell you that they need to sleep because they're so tired, go, give them a rest.

You don't know how have their day been. Maybe they can tell you that they're alright. But at some moment, your children can't tell you about something that makes them so tired.

If your children fall asleep until the next day and they forget to do their houseworks, don't mad at them. They need a freaking rest from their awful day and don't make them more depressed by getting mad at them.

If you love your children, then you know how it feels like going a shit day but still pretends everything is alright.

Sincerely, every child that needs their parents' understandings.


The whole class went silent after I read my writing. I was so scared if they didn't like it.

"Rain Jarta, I honestly amused by all of your writings. You are definitely so talented. I have no words. Your writing is so touching, even I nearly cried," Miss Smith applauded me as the whole class started applauded.

"Thank you so much Miss, I won't be like this if it's not you. I just try to write what I'm feeling at the moment," I sat again.

"It's such a pleasure for teaching a student like you, Rain. Okay next up, Joey, please read aloud your writing," Miss Smith chose another student.

Actually, I wanted to read aloud my latest poem about someone, but I was so scared if they noticed because my writing was so obvious who was he.

"Bonjour Jule!" Dylan took a sit beside me. We're currently on break.

"Oh...hi Didi! Where's Grizi anyway?" I was searching Grizi and then I saw him...with that girl?!

"Hey everyone!" greeted Grizi as he sat in front of me, with that girl beside him.

This One's For You // Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now