Chapter One: Love Is A Battlefield

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"That was my favorite vase!"

"Shut the hell up! You think I care, for all that you can take the rest of your vases, pack your shit, and go!", Jason yelled at me.
I didn't dare say a word after that, well because I had nowhere else to go. My parents turned their back on me, my siblings want nothing to do with me, and my friends don't want to face my husband's volatile behavior. I am stuck, in a marriage that is sucking the life out of me more and more as the days pass. I am stuck, with a man that has no regard for me, his wife and he shows that every time his hand comes down upon my cheek.
I'm stuck in a life I no longer want to live, but have no choice but to put up with it, and "take the beatings like a woman, You deserve it for disobeying".
That's what my father said to me before both him and my slave of a mother walked out of my life. He said a woman should never disobey her husband, she is his footstool, and of course my mother agreed. That's all she could do after 20 years of getting that "advice" beaten into her.

I don't hate Jason, I don't hate my father (Even though he made the deal to put me in this predicament) I don't hate my friends, I don't hate anyone. But, I do hate me and I blame me. I could've ran and prevented all of this but I stayed like the good Mafia Boss's daughter I was. I stayed, I'm still here but I'm way too deep to escape now. Like come on, it's been four years. Jason would never let me go, he'd rather kill me than to see me leave him.

I would be lying if I said I'm not afraid, I'm scared shit less. My friends are, my parents are...
Who wouldn't be afraid of him?
The youngest, most powerful and influential Mafia Boss in California and I, Alyssa Valenti is married to him.
But back to what's going on.

"What? Cat got your tongue?", Jason taunted me and stepped dangerously close. I stepped back, only to hit a wall.
"Nothing to say? Hm?!" He grabbed my jaw with his strong hand and pressed down hard, pulling my face closer to him.
I knew his fingers would leave a mark.

My eyes grew wide with pain and fear as he looked down at me with angry eyes. I tried pulling his hands away only for him to push my head against the wall and let go completely.

I grimaced in pain as the back of my head pulsed with pain and my jaw ached with soreness. Clutching my jaw with closed eyes I heard him fume.

"Go on and leave Alyssa, the door is always open. Just know if I can't have you, no one will.",
I felt my eyes water with unsanctioned tears.

I stared at him with blurry vision.
"Why do you do this to me..?" My face scrunched up in anger.
"Why do you treat me this way, Jason I'm your wife!!"

Jason's glare turned sinister, if looks could kill, I'd be long gone. Realizing how loud I had gotten with him, I instantly regretted even speaking and started to slide away from him slowly.

Jason stayed in place for a minute, glaring a hole in the wall giving me enough time to put some distance between us.

Suddenly he snapped back to reality.
"You ask why?" He turned to me, looking painfully calm now. He started stalking like a lion does its prey, with intent to kill.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHY!" He roared, his temperament deadly. Jason leaped after me, with intention to grab hold of my body and this time possibly hurt me for real.
Dodging out the way, I heard a thud as he crashed into the wall area nearest to me. Not waiting another moment I made a mad dash for the bedroom. The only room with locks.

Running through the living room from the kitchen and taking a hard right, I ran as quick as I could up the carpet stairs, hearing Jason's fast, heavy footsteps made me rush.


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