Chapter 16

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I crawl off of Chris’s lap and quickly get up. “Niall this isn’t what it looks like.”

“Great Niall you found her.” I hear Clary say and she turns into the room and grabs Niall’s shirt kissing him forcefully and I feel tears prick my eyes and Chris hugs me from behind.

“Clary, get off of me.” Niall says pushing her away and she storms out of the room. “Shara were leaving.”

Chris lets go off me and recoils behind me handing my shirt that I left up here. You’ve got to be kidding. “I’ll uh call you later.”

“No she fucking wont.” I hear Niall snap and I flitch when his large hand warps around my wrist. “Shara come on were leaving.”

He drags me towards the door but Chris catches onto my other arm. “If she doesn’t want to leave she doesn’t have to.” Chris hisses at Niall and I feel tears rush down my face.

Niall shoves me away and I hit the soft carpet hard hurting my left wrist. I look up just at the moment to see Niall’s fist slam into Chris’s jaw a loud crack is heard through the now quiet air. I watch helplessly as Niall hits Chris again and again I use the wall to steady myself since I’m shaking so much and finally my legs work and I rush over to Niall as he throws another punch.

“Niall stop.” I say grabbing onto his arm. “You’ll kill him.”

I hear him mumble something but I can’t hear him over the sound of him beating Chris to his most likely death. I grip Niall’s arm tighter pulling back and suddenly Niall pushes me back and I hit my head hard against Chris’s bookshelf and a tumble of books fall onto my head as I let out a scream and that is the only thing that drives Niall away from beating Chris to death.

“Shara!” Niall rushes over to me and picks me up bridal style calling for help. I see through half closed eyes that three men come in and pick up Chris’s limp body and call off the party and also call the hospital.

Niall carries me down the stairs and out the door fast, people past in a blur of lines and bright colors as I drift in and out of conscience. “Niall,” I half whisper half whimper and he looks down at me as I try looking at his blue orbs which I know I can happily get lost in.  

“Shara baby what it is.” He says as trees blur past us. “Baby please talk to me.”

I remember now that only a few hours ago I was happily going on a walk with my boyfriend and now I’ve cheated on him and almost gotten two guys killed tonight. I’ve ruined everything. “I’m so sorry Niall.” I say finally and drift off to sleep.

   As I wake up it is hard to open my eyes and I really would rather sleep forever. I start to remember everything that happen last night and I can’t help but want to blame myself.

“Good morning.” I hear Niall say and I look over to see him sitting on the edge of the bed at the other end of the room. He’s back is very straight and he’s blue eyes met mine in the fading darkness.

“About last night-” The words fly out of my mouth, but I stop myself as Niall gets up.

“Save it Shara.” Niall says harshly and I sit up despite the pain in my stomach making me want to throw up.

“It’s your fault Niall.” I yell, well that didn’t go as plan. “You were all happy talking to Carrie you didn’t notice me!”

“Clary,” Niall corrects me and I frown. “Let me not mention you’re the one who left me for a party and you cheated on me.”

“You cheated on me once to Niall!” I scream back. “You’re the one who left me here alone where I don’t know a damn person.”

Niall turns around and narrows his eyes at me and I feel myself shiver. “You sure as hell knew Chris.” In my mind I wonder how he knows his name but somebody must have told him.

“H-how do you know his name?” I ask anyway and Niall looks to me shocked.


“Chris how do you know his name?” I ask again and Niall sighs running his hands through his hair.

“He was a part of that group in High School.”

A gasp falls from my lips as I remember the back story and I have the sudden feeling I want to throw up.

“I’m going to throw up,” I say quickly, I pull make the nice covers across my body and jump out the bed running towards the bathroom. Despite the fact I have no food left in my stomach somehow I manage to still vomit in the very lovely toilet.

“Shara?” Niall says coming in holding back my hair and I feel as if I’m drunk but I’m not and I have no clue why I’m throwing up. Maybe from the news that the only person I thought I could trust has a different past. “Are you okay?”

I sit up and rock on my knees as Niall rubs my back softly. I wipe my mouth with the oversize pajamas somebody has out on me and stand up to wash my face and take a shower. “I need some alone time.” I say out loud and Niall leaves the rom and I turn on the shower and sit there and cry.

A/n kinda short chapter sorry I was really lazy this week.

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