Summer's Over.

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Seven's POV
I've been living with Dan and Phil for two months now, and I'm getting used to waking up every morning and finding my idols casually chilling on the couch, Phil stuffing handfuls of cereal in his mouth.
I'm currently lying on my bed, my mind blank as I scroll through Twitter.
Another thing, the Internet doesn't know about me yet. Loads of people have asked Dan and Phil about the kid they were going to adopt, but all they replied with was, 'be patient my children'. (Phil's idea, not Dan's or mine.)
"Seven! Can you come to the lounge? Phil and I need to talk to you!"
I instantly froze, fear washing over me as I clutch my phone.
You know that feeling you get when your parents wanna talk to you? It's scary as hell.
"Okay! Be there in a second!" I yell back before quickly sitting up and stuffing my phone in my back pocket. I slowly walk down the hall, biting my lip.
Phil sees me and he smiles. "C'mon Seven, sit on the other couch please."
I nod and sit across from them. "So, what are we talking about?" I ask, scared of the answer. Do they know I'm gay? I haven't told them yet.
"Summer ends in a week, you know. Dan and I have enrolled you in a school that you can walk to, but that's your choice. Good thing about this school, is that there are no uniforms! Unlike the rest here in the UK." Phil explains, and I instantly calm down.
"Oh, okay. Um..could you guys walk there with me sometimes? I mean London is pretty crazy.."
Dan smiles. "Yeah, of course."
I nod before standing up. "So..I start school in a week?"
They both nod. "Mhm."
I groan and face-palm myself. "Ugh, okay.."
A week goes by a lot quicker than I would've liked it too. Somebody bursts into my room and jumps next to me on my bed.
"Seven wake up! You have school!" Phil chirps and shakes my shoulder. I ignore him and press my face farther into the pillow. "No." I reply and throw the blanket over my head.
Phil huffs in annoyance an rips the blanket away from me, letting a bright beam of light shoot on my face.
"The light! Phil I'm dying, the light!" I shriek dramatically and try to tug the blanket away from him. "No, you're not dying. Now get ready you have to be there in an hour!" and with that he gets up and leaves the room, actually bringing my blanket with him.
After a few minutes of lying there complaining in my head I sit up and lazily walk over to my closet. I grab a Welcome To The Black Parade shirt, black skinny jeans, clean boxers, and two mismatched socks.
After getting dressed I walk into the bathroom and straighten my pink and black hair, then ruffle it up so it looks messy but not in a bad way. I brush my teeth, put deodorant on, all of that.
"Seven are you ready? Come eat cereal then we have to go!" Dan yells from the kitchen. "Almost!" I yell back.
Once I'm done with everything, I throw on my Twenty Øne Piløts sweater, leaving it unzipped so you can still see my MCR shirt, and walk into the kitchen. Dan immediately hands me a bowl of Lucky Charms. I thank him and sit on the couch and chew my food with a bored expression. Phil looks at my face and laughs.
"I'm guess you're not very excited?"
I playfully glare at him but nod. "Yeh. Who needs school anyway?" I grumble. Phil opens his mouth but Dan quickly stops him from saying anything by putting his hand over the shorter boy's mouth. "Nope, we don't want your lecture about school, that's a big bag of nope."
Suddenly Dan pulls his hand away with a loud shriek. "You licked my hand, what the hell?"
Phil laughs an sticks his tongue out at both of us. Dan rolls his eyes at his 'best friend', (he totally loves him). I get up and put my bowl in the sink before slipping on customized, YouTube-themed converse. Suddenly I remember something.
I rush into the bathroom and take out my eyeliner (yes I have eyeliner get used to it), and quickly draw a black circle on my nose and three lines on each of my cheeks. I smile, satisfied, and walk back into the lounge. Dan sees me and raises an eyebrow. "Seven really? Cat whiskers?"
When Phil hears that, he turns around and squeals excitedly. "Yes! That's perfect for the first day of school." he states before handing me my Galaxy backpack.
"Uh-huh, sure. Now let's gooooo!" Dan whines and drags both of us down the stairs and out the door, before locking it.
Dan and Phil quickly pull their hoods over there heads and look down. I give them a weird look, then I remember that there could be a mob a fans anywhere.
We walk for a solid thirteen minutes before reaching a large, fancy looking building.
"Okay, you have everything right? Your phone, earbuds, everything?" Dan demands to know.
"Dan, he's fine."
Dan turns to look at Phil. "He has to be prepared Phil! This is our son we're talking about!" Dan waves his arms dramatically, getting a few looks from kids entering the school.
Behind them I see a girl and a boy walking together, and they halt when they hear Dan's voice. They give each other questioning looks then look at me. My eyes widen and I poke Dan's shoulder.
"Uh, you guys should go, I think your voice sounds familiar to those two over there." I whisper and tilt my head over to the boy and girl who were inspecting us. Phil notices and nods quickly. "Oh, crap, yeah. C'mon Dan." he grabs Dan's wrist and they both quickly run down the street.
The two people turn to me and the taller girl raises an eyebrow. I smile sheepishly at her before turning around and running in the school.
Seven, do not blow Dan and Phil's cover.

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