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7:45 am

Uee woke up just after a 2 hour sleep nd hushed to Lay's room, to wake him up for the breakfast and a bit of chat. Remi found Uee in the lounge heading to Lay's room.

"Unnie... Don't. He's mad at you." She said, standing by the sofa.

"Why would he be?" Uee shrugged her shoulders.

"Because you call him a g---" She whispered but Lay interrupted.

"Good morning, Uee, Remi." Lay greeted the girls.

"He's not mad. Lets do our breakfast together. Remi will make it, right?" Uee smirked.

"Mad? I am not mad." Lay smiled.

Remi stared at the two people telling the wrong things to her. She shook her head. "Unnie its your turn."

"Aish! this girl! I really apologize for her behaviour." Uee bowed slightly.

Lay did a breathy chuckle. "Sorry."

"Whats so funny Lay?" Remi glared at the poor boy.

"Its just that you both apolog---" Lay halted when Remi gestured him to cut off.

"Seriously, you kids. I'll be back Lay." Uee winked and received a forced smile on Lay's lips. She went to the kitchen.


"I don't want to talk about anything. Just tell unnie to call me out when the breakfast's ready."

"Then you should have gone to kitchen instead of Uee." Lay mumbled the words that could cause the death of him.

She glared for a few breathtaking seconds and then moved to her room. She turned back and Lay's heart beat halted for the moment. "Why don't you ask your best friend to take you to some good placed here, so that you won't get hell bored." She said in the most indifferent way possible.

Yes, that was the way to make her keep having the conversations with Lay, keeping him from thinking any dirty thoughts about her. His eyes fixated at her lips while she said those words. "Ah..." He kept his eyes on the girl's plump lips and stepped towards her. "He did showed me around a bit yesterday."

"Ok good." She turned back to her room.

"Remi, but I am bored while I am in the house." He accidentally placed his hand over her shoulder, slightly pressing it, not too much to startle her.

She harshly brushed away his hand and turned back. "How about you help in chores? You won't be bored. Come."

Will she take me to her room? His mind played with the wrong, almost impossible words. And what great could happen if she does that?

She headed to the kitchen and sat on the table. "Unnie, he wants to help."

Quiet a good boy, stared at Remi with the hint of dirty looks in his eyes and her insides shocked with the electric current running through her spines. He stood right next to her, looking right into her eyes, into her wretched soul. Lay folded his arms keeping his eyes on the girl. Her mouth dropped open and she stood up. Bodies too close that they could feel each other's heat. "You're a bit silly." He slightly whispered. "Uee is listening to music. She didn't hear you."

Remi hurriedly left the sensational spot and stood behind Lay. Those maybe weren't dirty looks that he was shooting, but victorious one? "Ok ok." She took another seat and Lay sat opposite to her. The eyes got interlocked again, the aroma of the cooked eggs being inhaled. Remi darted looks away before she passes out.

"Why are you willing to avoid me?" Lay asked, placing the fists over the table.

She glared at him. "And why do you love being ignored? I don't usually socialize." She bit her upperlip. "Especially dumb people." She sighed and looked away.

"Dumb? You really think so?"

"I am sure."

Silence filled the air unless Uee broke it with her voice. "Done!" She turned around and found the two, looking really awkward. "When did you both came in?" She asked while washing her hands and then taking off the apron. She took out the ear piece and placed the plates at the table.

"Thanks Uee." Lay smiled at Uee.

"Learn something Remi." She taunted and bowed in response to Lay. Uee sat next to Remi and begin eating the breakfast.

Instead of keeping his eyes on his plate, he kept on staring at Remi's lips. He needed to stop but desired to explore more. This girl totally changed all his perspective; turning a good boy wanting to go bad just for her is equal to altering the whole of him. She was chewing lazily as if it was a burden to her. He could barely touch his food.

"Lay... I think you don't like it." Uee pointed at the fried eggs. Lay looked at Uee smirking at him. She raised her brows and then darted her eyes to Remi. Lay followed her eyes and got mesmerized by Remi's hand movements.

"Its good." Remi said while keeping her attention to the food.

Lay picked up the water glass to turn off the fire burning him inside. His lips touched the rim of the glass as he poured the water down his throat, but eyes still following her lips. Remi leisurely licked her index finger and then held it between her lips. Water went to the wrong pipe and Lay started coughing franatically. Panic struck Remi's veins and she took the finger out of her mouth.

"Remi dont just stare. Go and help him." Uee untouched by the situation, suggested, almost ordered.

Remi bewildered stood up. Lay shocked looked at Uee, trying hard to hold his coughs. "I a*coughs*m alri*coughs*ght."

Remi walked to him and rubbed his back with her palm. The touch was so sensual that he could have exploded but he paused in that state and coughed a bit more on purpose to let the contact invade his senses. "You ok now?" Remi asked but no reply, no coughs. He abruptly stood up and unknowingly locked eyes with her. This girl was killing him inside and he was not allowed to protest. She took a few steps backward and Lay left the kitchen.

"Is he alright?" Remi asked again to Uee.


God knows why, why he was so attracted to her no matter how much he tried to reject the idea, she was still glued to his brain. He dashed to his room, leaving the two ladies confused in the kitchen. He lost his appetite, all that could have satisfied his hunger was her, who else? His eyes would look at the bed empty but not his mind. His mind would imagine Remi on the bed, all the time, to the level that he could not sleep in that same bed. The image of her was her almost real, always. And why just in lingerie???


He moved to the window and pulled the curtains to stop any light from entering the room, piercing his eye balls. The room, now more darker was doing no good. The unreal Remi staring at him so adorably but so seductive.


He closed his eyes but even with closed eyes, all he could see was the same scenario. Remi licked her finger tip and the pulse in his pants increased speed. He opened his eyes but to no avail. Remi pulled back one leg which hugged her breast. He gulped down the heavy lump and the throbbing was vigorous now, in his heart, in his pants. He wanted to shout loudly but couldnt bring himself to do so. His lips still pressed together in a line, not willing to move.

Remi took the finger inside her mouth and closed her eyes, smile playing at her lips.


Why can't I? Don't you desire me?

She took out her slimy finger and ran it over her lips, sliding it down her neck, her cleavage, her midriff and ending it at her core surrounded by her panties.

"Oh God!" Lay sighed loudly, leaning his back onto the curtains. If he could only cum at the thought of her, what the real Remi would do to him?

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