Ah Yeah

69 2 1

He couldnt get a goodnight sleep and he was afraid, he wont get unless this girl named Remi would keep on popping up in is mind. He got out of the bed, surrendering to the sleep which was no where to be seen in his poor eyes. He came out of the room, into the lounge and saw Remi in a track suit, ready to leave. He followed her in his sweat shirt. He rushed out and saw her jogging on the track. The sight was beautiful. She had her hair tied up in a pony tail, swaying to either sides, with every next step. He decided to join.

"Hi..." He crawled behind her on the track.

"Urgh!" She rolled her eyes at the sight of him, jogging nevertheless. "Whats your problem man?"

"Umm.... actually Kris is a bit busy these days and he cant show me around for a few days."


"I thought I should join you to kill time. I am your guest, right?"

"Yeah right..."

"This seems to be the only healthy activity you do."

"Don't jugde me. Its been just 2 days since you are here."

He was thinking the same, just 2 days he was completely ready for anything if its her.

"And Kris is probably lying about his work. He is a slacker, he only works for women, If you know what I mean..." She taunted.

"Haha... You're right about it. So, have you ever been to China?"

"Lame question." She jogged forward.

"Well, I can ask some intellectual questions too." He followed her pace.

"Go on... If you think I'll answer."

He would be alright just with a nod, a hint, a gesture if not a complete answer. "Are you happy?"

She chuckled and his insides burned at the thought that he was the reason of her smile. She increased her pace and he followed, dying to get a proper answer this time. After slowing down she stopped and started panting. "Ani..."

"Wae?" He didn't know the reason behind her simple 'NO'. He didn't know anything, neither about her family nor about her friends. Kris wasnt interested in disclosing any information on the two boarders; and Lay wanted to swallow everything about her, anything.

"Look man... there are only two conditions in ones life, either be happy or be contented." She tried to answer.

"So you are contented with your life."

"Not really."

"Why not happy?"He asked.

"Because I have no family." She replied.

He paused. "Why content?"

"Because I have no family." She repeated.

He chuckled.

"Whats so funny?"

"Why is the answer to two different questions same?"

"You must lack the intelligence to understand."

"Then make my brain aware of the knowledge it lacks."

"You have a family?" She asked this time.


"Are you content with your life?"

"Well, not right now..."

"Because you have to worry about their well-being. Thats the reason for my contentment. No family, no worries. No family, no happiness. See you later."

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