Haunted Girl

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"I am right now in the cab." Lay, holding the cell phone against his ear, peered out of the window at the night of the city of Seoul, large edgy buildings and an atmosphere similar to his hometown in China.

"Look, I was busy so I couldnt pick you up. But you do know the address?" Kris, his friend, replied on the phone.

"Yeah..." Lay was more busy in admiring the night view than replying back to Kris.

"There are two other boarders too."

"Yeah... So?"

Kris paused for a moment. "Ah yes, Uee will be at home right now. She's one of the boarder."


"She's easy going. She'll show the places to you. Anything else?"

"Both are girls?"

"Unfortunately..." Kris sighed.

"You know I am not comfortable with girls."

"Ah and your car is in the garage. I'll come once I am done here, Bye." Kris hung up.

"How am I gonna deal now?" Lay murmured to himself.

"Sir, I guess this is the house?" The driver turned his head back.

"Ah...." Lay felt uncomfortable deep down but he had no other choice. Kris was his most precious friend and boarding house was a convenient option. He took out his luggage from the back seat and paid the driver before going further to the main gate. He paced inside the front yard and reached the front door. In the night view, the house was looking more like a haunted one. A shiver ran through his body but he managed to ring the bell.

"What do you want?" A voice from the telecom was heard.

"Um... I am Lay from---"

"Ok, I am coming..."

After 3 minutes, the door's knob clicked and the door opened. A girl with a baggy white shirt and a lose jeans stood in front of him.

"Come..." She moved aside and Lay struggled inside with all his materials.

He greeted with a smile and bowed slightly but the girl's expression of annoyance didn't change. "Ummm... could you lead me to my room?" He asked, quiet confused.

"Yeah..." She took the lead and through the lounge, she opened a door. "It used to be my room... but since there are only 2 rooms, I have to share a room with the other boarder. You have this room now." She crossed her arms over her chest.

Lay lost the words to apologize. He placed his bags onto the floor. "Umm two rooms only? then what about bathrooms?"


No way! "Ok..." He tried to hide his disappointment in Kris. He could have hired a hotel room for him, but that would have been costly for Lay. Lay, with a heavy heart proceeded to bed.

"Before you dive into your bed..." She squinted her eyes in a disgusted expression. "Let me show you arround. "Come out." She gestured to come out of the comfort zone.

He had no other option so he followed her to the lounge.

"This is the lounge..." She said and then pointed to the other door. "Dont dare to enter that room."

"Is that haunted?" He asked bewildered by the thought.

She laughed and he felt like she was a witch, he noticed her hair were really messy and long while her eyes had dark guards under them, people call them dark circles. Oh God, she could be a witch, she wasn't easy going as Kris described, maybe a witch dressed as Uee? He was now totally dumbfounded.

"Yes... you could say that if that will keep you away from that room." She paused and then locked her eyes with his. He stood still. "Thats my and unnie's room, since you...." She moved closer and waved a hand over his face. "snatched my room from me, I hate Kris."

He sighed loudly after she moved further. "Come here..." She led him to another room, probably the kitchen. "Here you are... If you're hungry... I can make you something."

"AH.... no thanks." His appetite died after imagining she could really be a witch. Before he could briefly take a note of the kitchen, she sneered. "Lets get outta here."

"Is this haunted too?" Lay asked.

"Don't annoy me." She mumbled with a deadly look.

"S-sorry...." He bowed slightly. "But where's the bathroom?"

"Do you need to go there?"

Lay gave her a confused look. "Just show it to me."

"Every room opens into lounge, so that corner is te bathroom."

"I just wanna live here now." Lay mumbled to himself.

"You gonna stay for 15 days, whats so troublesome?"


"You are lucky to have this house, low in rent, plus, Kris asked us to do your services and he wont take the rent for this month, he's a nuisance, isnt he?"

"What?" Lay gulped.

"You know... like your food requirements and house shores... etc, just that.. you gotta clean your mess up yourself, he told you cant cook, so unnie agreed. I hate her...." She mumbled the last sentence.

"Kris.... you're unbelievable..." Lay mumbled under his breath.

"AH... and one more thing..... ummm whats your name?"


"Who named you that?"

"I, myself....."

She striked with another annoyed look."Oh well, one thing that should be clear, everytime you're hungry, you have to ... request... cuz we aint no maids..."

"Ok, thanks Uee... I'll keep that in mind." This last sentence had a smile in it.

She giggled and then her expression turned blank. "You are seriously annoying.... I am not Uee unnie. Good night..." She moved back and then thud entered the door to their room.

"Oh God, that was a horrible introduction, but just for 15 days, until my contest.... Still, she's horrible."

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