Realistic Dreamer

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Remi angrily barged into her room and shut closed the door. "Who the hell they think they are!" She shouted.

Uee was lying on the bed, reading some magazine, not focusing on what shi* her roommate was uttering. She leisurely took a look at her wrist watch and it was 4pm. "How come you're so early? 2 hours early." Uee asked confused.

"I'm mad at that bastard."

"You mean the new boarder, China guy?"

"YEAH!" Remi yelled and threw a cushion into Uee's direction. "He's spying on me."

Uee dodged the cushion. "Why do you think so?"

"I saw that guy in Kris's office today. He's really upto something." She sighed loudly and took a keen look of Uee's attire. "Unnie... What are you wearing?" She asked, eyeing the shirt that Uee was wearing, only.

"So???" She asked without even taking a look.

"We are living with a guy... You must be careful in your choice of dresses. He can be .... you know...... dangerous." Remi frowned just at the thought of Lay.

Uee looked up at her for a bit and then laughed. "Dangerous??? Don't worry. I think he is gay."

"W-wait a sec. How do you know that?" Remi asked her unnie in disbelief.

"He said he won't touch any of us. So, we are safe. I mean what normal guy says that, if he's living with two ... I mean one hella hot girl?"

"Omo.... you asked him, right?"

"Yeah! I even tried to attract him, but he's boring." Uee flipped the pages.

"Oh no! Unnie, how could you.... what will he think about us now..." She placed both her hands on her head. "Wait! What if he thinks Kris and us.... oh NO!" She fell on the bed.

"Why are you so worried? The China guy ain't your boyfriend." Uee rolled her eyes.

"Ah come on! And how could you jump to this weird conclusion that he is gay??? He might be a .... ummm... yeah, He might be a good one."

Uee closed her magazine while again bursting into laughter. "Do you think any of these men can ever not want girls for that? EVER??? They all are same and they need just one thing. Either he is gay or he is lying about not touching any of us. Now let me concentrate." She reopened the magazine." When will he come?" She asked.

"Like I know...."


It was 8pm and Remi was working on her laptop in her room when the door bell rang. She got up fiercely and went to open the door. Lay popped up from behind the door.

"Can I come in?" He asked politely.

Remi slid to one side to let the guy pass. Lay entered the house and plunged into the couch in the living room.

"Uee's off to work?" He asked while his eyes closed and arms resting on the back rest. There was no reply so he opened his eyes and found no one standing nearby. "Huh, she's so cold." He again closed his eyes.

"Yah!" She called out and Lay opened his eyes, ready to apologize for any disturbance. But she stood in front of him with a glass of water. "You tired?" She asked and Lay's jaw dropped. "Whatever!" She mumbled and placed the glass on the table with a feeble thud.

This was Lay's only chance to get to know her more and this time she was willing to talk, how could he let this precious opportunity slip away? "Yes.. I am really tired." He muttered swiftly. "Thanks." He picked up the glass and drank the water within.

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