Chapter 14

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'I don't understand,' Hermione said as she carefully opened the letter. 'What is this?'

'Just read it,' Dumbledore instructed and Hermione took his orders and began to read, slowly muttering the words of the letter as she did so.

'Dear Miss Granger,' she muttered. 'We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,' she repeated the phrase over and over in her head trying to comprehend what the letter was saying, but none of it made any sense. 'I don't understand.' She said again looking up at the faces of Dumbledore and the Weasleys who were all looking back at her with great interest.

'What is it that you don't understand?' Dumbledore asked.

'But Witches and Wizards aren't real,' Hermione said with a stunned expression on her face.

'Are you sure about that Miss Granger?' Dumbledore replied calmly. Hermione stared at him and watched as he flicked his wrist causing a fire to ignite in the fireplace that was placed between them. 'Because if Witches and Wizards weren't real,' he said pausing slightly, 'then I would look awfully silly in this hat and cape now wouldn't I?' He added with a knowing smile.

'So you're saying I'm...I'm...' She began.

'A witch?' Dumbledore asked and Hermione nodded her head. 'Why of course.'

'But I don't understand,' she said once more.

'As you keep saying Miss Granger,' Dumbledore replied. 'But answer me this one question, have you ever made magical things happen? Things that you can't quite explain.'

Hermione looked up at Ron and he smiled back at her, both thinking about the fireworks from earlier that day. 'Well I suppose...' Hermione began and everything seemed to click into place. She had spent hour after hour thinking of every possible reason that she could do what she could do, including magic, but she had never really thought that it was true. She always thought that there must have been some other explanation.

'How come I didn't know anything about this?' Hermione asked.

'That's our mistake,' Dumbledore replied. 'You should've received a letter four years ago; there must have been a mix up at the ministry.'

'The Ministry?' Hermione asked.

'Of Magic,' Dumbledore finished and Hermione turned to face Ron.

'I'm guessing that's the ministry you were referring to when you told me where your Dad worked.' Hermione said and Ron nodded.

'I couldn't exactly just say that my Dad worked for the Ministry of Magic and that we're all wizards,' Ron said and he couldn't help but laugh.

'So how much of what you've said has been a lie?' Hermione asked suddenly feeling very betrayed.

'Nothing I ever said was a lie,' Ron reassured her. 'I just didn't always tell the complete truth.'

'Like what?' Hermione asked feeling the need to learn as much as possible about this magical world that she had been deprived of for her whole life.

'Like when you asked what school I went to,' Ron replied indicating to the letter that Hermione held in her hands. 'I could hardly say that I go to a boarding school in the middle of nowhere, with witches and wizards from all over the country, which teaches me how to do spells and potions.'

'You actually learn how to do spells and potions?' Hermione asked and Ron nodded. Hermione turned back to Dumbledore. 'So I could go to Hogwarts?' She asked, half of her longing for the opportunity to learn as much about magic as humanly possible. But the other half wasn't so sure. She wasn't sure if she could simply leave her whole life behind, leave her parents behind.

'If you wanted to go to Hogwarts then there is a place for you,' Dumbledore replied.

'When do I have to decide by?' Hermione asked.

'Term begins on 1st September,' Dumbledore said.

'But that's next week,' Hermione replied. She thought she would have a bit longer to think things over than just a few days. Dumbledore slowly stood up and smoothed down his robe.

'I shall visit your parents later this evening to explain all of this to them,' Dumbledore said.

'Thank you,' she replied, knowing that at least she wouldn't have the burden of trying to explain all of this to them. 'So they don't know anything either?' She asked, suddenly wondering how it was possible that she was a witch if neither of them were.

'No, they're not wizards or witches if that's what you're asking,' Dumbledore replied.

'So how can I be?' Hermione asked, thinking back to what they had learnt about genetics in school and wondering whether or not this worked in the same way. She imagined that it did.

'I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that.' Dumbledore replied. 'However I can reassure you that you are by no means the only one. In our world they're known as muggle-borns.'

'What's a muggle?' Hermione asked, wondering how much there was that she had no idea about.

'It's another word for a non-magical person,' Mrs Weasley replied.

'I hope that I shall see you again Miss Granger,' Dumbledore said and with that he stepped into the fireplace and with another burst of flames he disappeared into thin air.

'I should probably go as well,' Hermione said standing up wanting to be alone so that she could process all this information properly. 'Thank you so much Mr and Mrs Weasley,' she said turning to face them.

'Any time,' Mrs Weasley replied. 'You're welcome to come back whenever you want.'

Hermione walked towards the front door and turned around to face Ron.

'Do you want me to come with you?' Ron asked wanting more than anything to talk to Hermione about everything that had happened.

'No,' Hermione said shaking her head.

'I'll see you soon?' Ron said although it was more like a question.

'Of course,' Hermione said. 'I'm going to need someone to answer all of my questions.' She added with a laugh and Ron smiled back at her.

'You're welcome to come for tea tomorrow,' Mrs Weasley piped up causing Ron to groan, not wanting his mother listening in on his private conversations.

'Thank you Mrs Weasley,' Hermione replied.

'Call me Molly,' she insisted.

'Thank you Molly,' Hermione said. 'I'll see you tomorrow.'

Ron smiled at her one more time before saying, 'I told you everything would be okay.' 

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