Chapter 17

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Ron wanted to chase after her, but he couldn't move. He found himself rooted to the spot as he watched this incredible girl getting smaller and smaller as she ran away from him. He had been almost certain that she would come with him, the thought of her staying behind had barely even entered his head. He trudged back into the house to where his family sat with eager eyes waiting to get the news. He shook his head, hardly unable to get the words out. 

'What?' Asked Ginny, standing up and crossing the room until she was stood next to Ron. 

'She's not coming to Hogwarts,' Ron said, the truth now really sinking in. 'She doesn't want to be a witch. She wants to stay here and live her life as a muggle.'

'But why?' Ginny asked as silence fell over his family, none of them knowing quite what to say in response. Ron shrugged.

'Ron,' his mother said coming over to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 'I'm so sorry.' Ron felt awkward with his whole family staring at him and wanted nothing more than to slip into the shadows of his quiet and empty room that was just a few floors above his head. 

'At least you can still see her in the holidays,' Ginny piped up a small smile on her face, hoping that she could put a positive spin on this terrible news.

'She doesn't want to see me anymore,' Ron said, not wanting to talk to any of them about this.

'God Ron, you must really be an awful kisser,' Fred joked causing both Ron and Mrs weary to glare at him.

'Piss off,' said Ron as he pushed passed them all and headed up to his room, he just wanted to be left alone. The stairs creaked and his footsteps were loud as he hurried upstairs, meanwhile a silent hush had spread around those who he'd left behind in the kitchen. 

'I feel so sorry for him,' Ginny said a few minutes later to Harry. Mrs Weasley had ushered them all out of the kitchen in order to tidy things away and the pair had headed into the garden. 'I really wish there was something we could do about it.'

'I think I should go and talk to her,' Harry said suddenly.

'But you hardly know her?' Ginny replied.

'I know, but I think I could help her out. I have a few things that might make this situation easier for her. Or I could try and at least convince her to see Ron every once in a while. If not he's just going to sulk and be moody and I have to share a room with him for at least the next year.'

Ginny laughed, knowing how true what Harry was saying really was. 'You're such a good friend,' Ginny smiled at him and hugged him tightly, surprising then both.

'I'll be back soon,' Harry said, turning back and waving at Ginny before running down the hill, both of their cheeks turning red. Ginny watched him go, this black haired boy with the lightning scar who was about as clueless as her older brother.

Harry reached the bottom of the hill, suddenly realising that he had no idea how he would find Hermione. He had no idea where he should go. Luckily for him, Hermione had felt exactly the same and the moment she got out of sight of the house, she had collapsed onto the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Harry sat down next to her, causing her to jump before slightly relaxing at the sight of the vaguely recognisable face.

'Hey,' Harry said, hoping that he was coming across as friendly.

'Hey,' Hermione muttered back, stifling a sob.

'Look I know this must be hard for you,' Harry blurted out not thinking about a single word he said before they came out of his mouth. 'It's a lot of information to find out in one day and I know that it is going to seem really scary but I promise you I...'

'It's different for all of you though,' Hermione interrupted.

'How?' harry asked, not quite sure what she meant.

'You've had your whole lives to grow up in this world and prepare for it, by the time you get your letter you're already expecting it and you've probably already bought all your supplies.'

'Not me,' Harry said calmly.

'What?' Hermione asked, confused.

'I found out that I was a wizard on my eleventh birthday, it was a bit of shock,' he laughed and Hermione couldn't help but smile. 

'So you were like me?' Hermione asked.

'Yes, so I know exactly how hard and scary this is for you,' Harry said. 'I definitely didn't have all of my school supplies bought and I knew as little about this world as you do now. But let me tell you one thing, going to Hogwarts was the best decision I ever made.'

'It does sound wonderful,' Hermione said with a sigh, imagining the wonderful world she could be part of and the completely different life that she could be living. Did she really want to throw it all away because she was scared? Surely she was stronger than that. But the doubts started to come back almost instantly. 'Maybe it would've been fine if I'd started at the same time as everyone else, but I'd be four years behind and I can't leave my family behind and...'

'Do you really think they would want you to stay behind just for them?' Harry asked and Hermione felt defeated knowing that they definitely wouldn't want that. 'I never really got to meet my parents, so I never had to consider that when I made my decision. But I don't think that they would've wanted me to stay for them and I don't think that my decision would've been any different if they had been around.'

'I'm so sorry,' Hermione said. 

'It's not your fault,' Harry replied. 'Anyway, you'll still get to see them every holidays and if you decide that you don't like it then you can always come back.'

'I never thought about it like that,' Hermione said, thinking that maybe she might just give this new world a chance after all. 'But there's so much that I don't know.'

'Then there's only one place you can go to find out.' 

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