Janitor's Closet

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"That was....."


"Wrong." I finish while I stand up.
"Could you mail me the research? I gotta go." I walk out of the house and leave Ashton there confused.

When I'm home I go straight to my room. I close the door behind me. God, what just happened? I can't get fucking feelings for him! No. Never. My heart got broken every time, but not this time.
I sit behind my desk and turn on my laptop. I see that Ashton sent me the mail. Of course, he also asks if he did something wrong. I decide to ignore it and I don't reply. I do some more research for it and then I send that to Ashton. I realize that I don't have history tomorrow and I sigh in relief. Now it's possible to avoid him tomorrow. Hopefully he won't go and look for me.

I do some other homework until my mum calls me.
"Sierra, dinner is ready!"
I finish what I was doing and then go downstairs.
"Hey mum, what are we eating?"
"Iew." I just hated lasagna, I don't know why,
I sit down and begin to eat.
"How was school today? Anything happened?"
"Exhausted and nope."
"Then why were you gone the whole afternoon?"
"I was.... Shopping with Ashley." I lie. I don't want her to know about Ashton.
"What did you bought?"
"Nothing. just looking."

I finish my dinner and walk upstairs again. I grab my phone along the way and check my messages. Some from Ashley. I ignore them, I'll speak to her tomorrow.
I spend the rest of the night with doing some uninteresting things and then I go to bed.

~The next morning~

I wake up and do my regular things; Get ass out of bed, shower, dress, eat, get dropped off at school.

When I'm at school and see Ashley, I see she wants to scream my name but I lay my fingers against my lips. I run to her and I grab her arm. I walk to the restroom and close the door behind me.
"What the hell is wrong with you today?" she asks.
"Shh, be quiet. I'm trying to avoid Ashton."
"Why are you trying to avoid Ashton?"
"Just tell me."
"We kinda kissed. Twice."
"you kissed??!!! I knew it!!! oh my god, Sierra, that's great!"
"No, it's not! I hate him, remember? After the second kiss I walked out of his house without saying a word to him."
"And now he wants to speak with me, but I don't."
"But why did you kiss twice?"
"Because he explained some things and it kinda made me hate him less."
"Then what's the problem?"
"I don't want my heart broken again!!"
"How do you know he'll break your heart?"
"I just know. And even if I didn't know, I wouldn't take the risk"
"Okay, then I'll help you avoid him. But if it doesn't work, you'll talk, okay?"
"Okay, let's go to class. I can't be late again."

We walk out of the restroom and walk to the classroom without seeing Ashton or his Devils. I sigh in relief when I reach the classroom. Then I realize something, My books are still in my locker. Shit!
"Ashley, we have a problem." I whisper.
"I kinda forgot my books in my locker."
"Oh god. You need to go and grab them."
"Are you coming with me please?"
"Fine then let's go before..." We turn around and we stare in Mr. Jaspers eyes.
"Is there a problem ladies?" He asks.
"Well, I forgot my books in my locker and we were about to grab them." I say.
"I'm sure you can do that on your own." He answers.
"Yes sir." I say and sigh.
I walk out of the classroom. I'm happy that my locker is close to this classroom.
I try to open my locker but I forgot my code again. I unlock my phone and search for the note. I'm getting more nervous within the second. 'C'mon c'mon, where is that stupid thing??', I think to myself. I sigh in relief when I find it. Just when I'm about to open my locker someone says
"And what are we doing here?"
I almost jump 2 feat in the air and turn around.
"Ashton.... You scared me." I say a little uncomfortable.
"Sierra I need to talk to you."
"And I need to go to class." I say while I grab my books and try to walk away.
"Class can wait." Ashtons says while he puts his hands against the lockers, making mine close.
I look at him and he pushes me slightly back against the lockers.
"What did I do?" He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spin.
"Then why did you leave yesterday?"
"That wasn't because of you."
"Them what..."
We hear someone walk this way. He grabs my hand and leads me into the janitors closet.
"Sierra?" We hear Mr. Jaspers ask.
I just wanted to scream that I'm here but Ashton pushes me against the wall and kisses me again. I refuse and try to push him away but he's too strong. He pins my hands above my head and the other one rests on my waist. His body leans against mine and I can feel his erection leaning against my belly. I blush and I'm happy that he can't see that because it's too dark. When we hear Mr. Jasperes walk away he lets me go. He pushes back. It didn't take much more or I would moan for more. Happily, I didn't. I miss the feeling of his body against mine. Wait, what? I just stare at him. What did I just think? Then I feel that I miss it again and I almost moan.
"Sierra, I'm sorry....." Ashton begins but I cut him off.
I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him close again. I kiss him and he lays his hands on my waist. Soon, he has control again and he pushes me against the wall.
"Sierra..." He breaks the kiss and looks at me.
"We can't do it in here."
"But then I need to wait the whole day." I whine.
I don't know what he does, but he does it right because it's a long time ago since somebody got me turned on like this. But I swear, this are not feelings. Only lust.
"Sierra, I'm serious."
"Me too."
He laughs softly in my neck. This time it makes me moan, a little bit.
When I feel how he's turned on too, I smile.
"You really need to wait." He whispers again and he lets me go.
"But I can't go back now! What do I say to Jaspers? 'Oh yeah, I'm sorry sir. Ashton Irwin had me pinned against the wall of the janitor closet with his lips on mine, oh and he was so close to me that I could feel his erection.' I can't say that!"
"I hoped you didn't felt how much you turned me on." He only says.
"I did. Now what the hell am I supposed to do?"
"Just say you didn't feel so well."
"No way! Then everybody thinks I'm on my period."
"Then you just skip school with me."
"No way either."
"I'm not a chicken!"
"Yes, you are."
"Am not!"
"You are."
"Fine. Then I'll skip school. But only for today."
"Okay, c'mon then."

He grabs my hand again and we walk out of the closet. We walk quickly to the parking place an we get into his car.
"I swear to you if I get in trouble....." I say when I'm in the car but Ashton kisses me. After a few seconds He lets go of me.
"You won't." He whispers.
"Fine. Let's go."
Ashton starts the car and we drive away.

When we're at his house his pushes me on the sofa. He climbs on top of me and begins to kiss my neck.
"I'm not in the mood anymore." I say while I try to push him away.
"I'll take care of that." He smirks against my neck.

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