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"It's your mum, she's standing outside."


I feel the fear running through my veins. My eyes begin to water but I shake them off.
"Don't let her in, please." I beg Anne Marie.
"It's okay sweetheart, I'll say that I didn't see you." She smiles.
Then she stands up and walks to the door.

"C'mon baby girl, I'll take you to my room, just in case your mum comes in." Ashton says while he picks me up.
He walks to his room and closes the door behind him. He puts me on the bed and sits next to me.

"how long?" He asks.
"What?" I reply.
"For how long has she been treating you like that?"
"Since my dad died."
"For so long?! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was afraid.."
"Of what? Of me? Of my reaction? You thought I would leave you? I would never do that!"
"No, no, not because I was afraid of you! I was afraid of my mum."
"It's okay now, you'll just stay with us." He smiles softly while he gets a hand through my hair.
"It's okay." He hugs me.
It hurts a little, but I don't say anything, I just let him hold me. Then we hear a scream and Ashton stands up immediately. I hear my mum curse and then we hear her scream again.

It's quiet for seconds before we hear someone on the stairs. Then we hear doors fly open and hit the walls. Suddenly, the door of Ashtons room flies open. I see my mum standing with a angry look in her eyes.
"C'mon kid, out of the way, I need to speak to my daughter." She says but Ashton doesn't move. He just steps in front of me.
"C'mon kid, I don't have time for this." She says again.
"No?" She says softly, but still in a dangerous way.
"Well, then I need to get you out of my way." She says while she runs at Ashton. She jumps on him and he falls on his side.
"Ashton!" I yell, afraid that he's hurt.
She climbs onto him and hold him tight so he can't escape.

"Not so brave now huh?" She smirks.
I was just about to jump on my mum when she pulls a gun out of her pocket.

She stands up and Ashton crawls to a corner.
"Are you okay?" I ask worried.
"I'm fine babe." He tries to smile but fails.
"Babe. Oh, so that's your boyfriend? Then I can kill him already." She smirks pointing the gun at Ashton.
"No!!" I scream. I jump up and run to Ashton. I hear a gunshot and feel a sharp pain in my leg. I hear my mum curse and hear someone walk away. When I hear Ashton yell, I assume it's my mum who left. Then I black out...

I wake up in a hospital bed. I slowly open my eyes and see Ashton sleep in a chair. He snores a bit and I smile. I look around and see a lot of flowers and cards. Some balloons, and an Ashton. I don't remember much, only that my mum was at Ashtons house. I decide to let Ashton sleep and within seconds I fall asleep again..

This time I wake up, still in the hospital bed, but this time with an Ashton who's awake.
"Sierra?" He asks while he stands up.
"Hey..." I smile a little.
"Doctor! She's awake!" He yells.
"Shh." I say while I touch my head.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I'm just so damn excited that your awake." He smirks.
"For how long I've been sleeping then?"
"Uhh, you were in a coma for about 3 weeks." He says

At that moment the doctor comes in.
"Mrs. Conewell, how are you feeling."
"Just a little headache."
"That's normal, any other pains, except your head, leg and throat?"
"Okay then, the nurse will do some tests later." He smiles.
I just nod my head.
"3 weeks?" I ask to Ashton.
He nods his head.
"How's Ashley?" I ask him.
"Oh, she visited a lot. I need to call her, I promised that." He smiles and grabs his phone.

I hear her voice at the other side of the line and smile.
"Hey Ashley, yeah, she's awake." Ashton says into the phone while he keeps looking at me.
I hear her scream and immediately hang up the phone.
"Well, bye, I guess." He giggles while he puts his phone back into his pocket.
"I missed it." I smile.
"Your cute giggle."
"It's not cute."
"It is."
"Your hurt, you shouldn't be arguing."
"You started."
"Because you said that my giggle was cute."
"Because it is! Ashton, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's what I like about you."

In 10 minutes the door burst open. Ashley walk in and hugs me.
"You're awake." She whispers.
"Of course. I couldn't miss the Halloween party remember?" I smirk.
"You better right, you couldn't miss best party of the year." She smirks.

We talk for a little into, the doctor says that they need to go. Ashton just stays where he is tho.
"Ashton, you heard him, you need to go." I say.
"No way."
"I'm not going."
"I'm staying here, did it for 3 weeks, so now too. If you fall, I fall. So if you stay, I stay."
"That's a quote from the Titanic."
"I know, I've waited for so long to use it."
I smile.
"You stayed here for 3 weeks?" I ask.
"For me?"
"Awhh, Ashton, that's so sweet!"
"I know." He smirks.
I smirk.

Suddenly the tiredness hits me. The headache gets worse,
"I'm going to sleep" I whisper.
"It's okay, I'll be here when you wake up."

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