Your my only reason

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"It's okay, I'll be here when you wake up."


I smile to him and close my eyes. In a few seconds I'm sleeping.

~The next morning~

I wake up because of the nurse that came to check up on me. She apologizes for at least 5 times before she leaves the room. As promised, Ashton is sleeping in a bed next to me.
I smile, I'm feeling a lot better. I look at my leg. It doesn't hurt, not even the slightest, but the nurse says that it's healing faster than they expected, so I'm fine. With just a little luck, I could be out of this stupid hospital at the end of the week.

I see that Ashton slowly opens his eyes and looks at me.
"I'm sorry." I hear his raspy voice.
"For what?"
"For your leg."
"It's not your fault that I'm having a crazy ass bitch mum."
"But it's my fault that she shot you, if you just didn't jump for me, then you would be fine now."
"Yes, Ashton, I would be fine. But it was still my choice and if I hadn't, you would be dead by now. I can't live with that, knowing that I could've do something. I can't even live with the idea."
"Well, you don't need to live with that... Does it hurt?.... Your leg?" He asks while he stands up and lays next to me in my bed, cuddling totally up to me.
"Nah, the nurse said it's healing better than they expected."
"Phew. now I'm feeling less guilty."
"Don't feel guilty. I rather have this than you being dead."
"Awh, so you do care about me?"
"Of course I do! Why would you even think I didn't?"
"Remeber the first time I met you? You looked like you wanted to chop my head off and feed it to the wolves."
"I thought about it, to feed you to the wolves. But now, I'm happy that I didn't."
I hear him chuckle and smile. I go with my hand through his hair.
"I love you."
I was quiet for a moment. He said he fell for me, but that he loved me?
"I love you too." I whisper back.

~at the end of the week~

Like I predicted, I get released today. My wound is still healing, but most of it was already healed, and the doctors didn't saw any reason to keep me here. Anne Marie reported my mum by the police and she got caught. As far as I know, she's in jail right now. I'm staying at Ashtons for now, until... Well, I don't know for how long I'm going to be there.

Ashton walks in and I smile.
"Hey babe, are you ready?" He asks while he kissed me on my forehead.
"Yup, can't wait."
"Alright then, let's go."

He helps me stand up and lays my arms around his neck. Because if the therapy I got for my leg, I can walk now. Only in the mornings and evenings it's hard.
We we walk to the doctor and I fill in some papers. Then I may go and we walk to his car. Ashton helps me into his car and then he drives away. We sit in silence until we reach his house.

He helps me get out of the car and when I walk into the house I see a lot of people stands There. Anne Marie, Harry, Lauren, Ashley, Caleb, Tom, Luke, Calum and Michael. There are some other people, but I don't even know them.
There are a lot of balloons and there's this big sign that says "Welcome Home."
I know I'm just living here temporary, but I feel kind of home.
Ashton smiles at me.
"You like it?" He whispers in my ear.
"I love it." I whisper back.
Harry runs to me and hugs me.
"Hey Harry." I smile at him while he lets me go.
He and Lauren visited me a lot in the hospital so we got to know each other a lot better.
"I'm happy that you're okay." He just says while he steps back so Lauren can hug me too.
"I really hope you may stay here for a long time." she smiles to me.
I return the smile but don't say anything. Then Ashley runs to me and hugs me tight. It hurts a little, but I just hug her back.
"I was so dam- I mean, worried about you." She says while she looks over for a second to Anne Marie and Harry,
"Well, I'm okay now." I smile.
Then Caleb hugs me also. Bruh, I'm getting a lot of hugs today.
"I missed you." He says while he holds me tight.
"I missed you too. We really need to do some stuff together again."
"Yeah, but.. Uhh... Your boyfriend is practically staring me to death." He whispers in my ear.
"Ashton!" I say while I turn around to look at Ashton.
He glares one more time at Caleb before turning his attention to me.
"What?" He asks, lifting his shoulders.
"Stop giving my friends those glares! they're friends, not enemies. Stop being so jealous."
"That happened only one time and that was this time!"
"What about those when you glared at Luke?"
"But he's my friend! That's different."
"Ooo, Ashton's jealous." I hear Calum say.
"He has no reason to!" I say turning to Calum.
"Of course he has! You're the only reason he needs!"
I was silent and turn to Ashton again. I lift my eyebrows at him and he smirks. He pulls me close.
"You're my only reason." He says.
"Good." I smirk.
He smirks too and brushes his lips against mine. I let out a quiet moan, only he can hear that. I smirk when I see that he needs to hold in.


Ashley and I talk a little about the Halloween party.
"What are you gonna wear?" She asks.
"I dunno yet, you?"
"Me neither. We could both go shopping and find some cute costumes for each other!" She says excited.
"Okay, but please don't make me look like a stripper." I sigh.
Knowing Ashley, I'm sure that I'll be walking as a bunny without a fur.

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