Sesshõmaru speaks

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What is that scent I'm picking? It smells so odd. Like a demon, mixed with smell of a wolf and a human. Could this be possible? I have to look it for myself!

I stop walking, when I felt something hit my lower feet. I heard Rin giggle.

"Ohhhh... Milord! I am so sorry I didn't mean to collide with your most gracious feet. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm..." that little imp said. But I cut him off and him asking for forgiveness does not mean anything for me.

"Jaken..." I said but I did not hesitate to turn to any of them.

"Yes Milord?" his voice trembling and scaried of what I might do. But I do not find it ludicrous as Rin does every single time.

"I want you to guard Rin. Stay by her side no matter what. I need to do some business with someone. I'll be back. Stay here no matter what" then I started to walk away.

"Lord Sesshõmaru! Where are you going?" I heard Rin spoke. But I just continued on my walk and find that creature that caught me in curiousity.


Just as I was nearing the scent, I caught another demonic scent, this time I knew who own this, Inuyasha.

From the distant view, I watched my half-breed brother, with his filthy companions at his back, speak to the girl owning the scent I smelled about the jewel shard. But that half-breeds lover, Kikyo, was missing. But I do not give any concern.

That was really odd that she had owned 3 different scents for only one body. She looks like human but has very strong demonic aura and wolf blood inside here as well. I need answers for this kind.

Just before that half-breed unsheath his sword, I finally showned myself. All eyes were on me. But I never seemed to care.

"What! Why are you here!" that half-breed utter with complete annoyance.

I scowled at him.

"Who are you?" I never minded that half-breed's useless question but continued looking at the unknown creature.

Her eyes were pitch black as her hair. She has a thin slender body and pale skin. She was very tall for a normal human. She has very large pinkish lips. And a huge scar around her neck.

I saw her eyes gaze from Inuyasha to me then she spoke still her eyes continued to roll on us, "You two are alike in many features. Tell me, are both of you related?"

"None of your business, woman! Just hand over the jewel shard you stole from us and I'll let you live and not harm you!" that pathetic half-breed said.

"Inuyasha!" that human girl said for his unruly behavior that she tries to calm him down. I felt her aura full of sorrow. But I do not care.

"Jewel shard?", she laugh and reached something inside her kimono "you mean this?". And there, she held in her hands a piece of the shattered shikon no tama that that half-breed and every single demon alive wants to take hands on, even that evil Naraku. But why was it glowing? It is very unusual.

"Give it or I'll use winds scar on you!"

She just laughed and place it back where she got it. "Not without a fight"

"Ha! You! You're gonna fight me! Well, this should be easy!" the half-breed said confidently. But I doupt him acting all superior.

Sesshõmaru, Inuyasha, TensîcieWhere stories live. Discover now