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*2 Months Later -November*

"Baby, I'm cold."

"I told you to bring a jacket, Ni"

"I'm wearing 3, Haz!"

"You'll be alright, Ni. It's the last day of classes before finals. Then we have no classes all December. Just use that thought to keep you warm."

Niall rolls his eyes but stays silent, trudging through the snow.

They finally reach campus and quickly kiss each other goodbye, heading off to their classes.

"Hi Mica" Niall says sitting in his seat.

"Hey, babe." she responds.

Niall wraps his scarf even tighter around his neck and Mica just stares.

"You okay, love? You look...cold"

"I feel like a fucking popsicle"

"Oh does that mean Harry gets to eat you later?" Mica smirks

"I fucking hate you" Niall groans, sitting his head on the desk.

Just then their professor walks in.

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning!" Everyone choruses.

"As you know this is your final class before final exams. Now, I have printed up a study guide for you all to follow. You may take one at the end of the class. My exam is not that difficult, however it is 40% of your grade, so I suggest that you study and make sure to do your best. And if your final exam grade is higher than your lowest test score, I'll drop it and replace it with your final exam grade."

The room erupts into cheers.

"Settle down!"

The class hushed immediately.

"Now with that being said, class is over for today. Your final is at 9 am on Wednesday, November 30th. You will learn your final grade on Friday, December 2nd. Happy Studying and stay warm." And with that, he left the classroom.

"Wow. I trekked here in the snow for all a 15 minute class." Niall grumbles.

"Well, at least you have more time to warm up" Mica reasons.

They both head up to the front and grab a study guide. Then they head to the cafeteria, where Harry and Bethany are already lounging at a table.

"Class end early for you guys too?" Mica asks

"Cancelled" Bethany and Harry say simultaneously.

"Our teacher didn't feel like coming today. Said he had a hangover" Harry says.

"It's a Tuesday morning. Who goes out drinking on a Monday night?" Niall laughs

"Apparently he does. But why you guys here so early?" Bethany asks

"Our teacher pretty much gave us a study guide and left." Niall answers

"Ah. Well who wants hot chocolate? My treat!" Harry beams.

"Me!" The rest day in unison.

"Sure. 4 hot chocolates coming up." Harry leaves the table, leaving Niall and the two girls alone.

"Ummmm... Niall?" Mica says wearily.

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