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That's what Niall hears before someone starts to jump on his bed. He opens his eyes to see an excited Harry, bouncing around like a little kid.

"What ya doin' Haz?"

"Waking you up! It's Christmas!"

"Babe what time is it?"


"What the fuck?"

"We have to clean up and add last minute decorations before everyone gets here."

"Right... our families are coming over"

"Yes they are. Now get your pale ass up and let's go."

Harry then proceeds to jump on top of Niall, before scampering out of the room.

"I'm in love with a child."


"Happy Christmas, Mommy!" Niall says, handing her a neatly wrapped gift.

"Happy Christmas to you too, my little baby." she says beaming at him.

That's how the day continues. All of Niall and Harry's friends and families arrived around 10 am, including Mikey. Mikey doesn't miss the evil grin plastered on Harry's face as he welcomes him inside.

When 2 pm rolls around, its time for dinner. The boys moms went all out, piling the dining table and the counters high with a feast fit for the entire American Army. Everyone is settling into their seats, and stuffing their faces when Harry addresses the room.

"Can I have you guys' attention please?"

Everyone quiets down to listen to him speak.

"Firstly, I want to thank you all for coming. It means the world to me to be able to spend Christmas with you all. But I wanna take this time to talk about something that has come to my attention. Mikey, can you come here please?"

mikey nervously walks to the center of the living room to stand next to Harry. Everyone but Niall, watching with a smile on their face.

"Now, Mikey has always been a close friend of mine. He's the person I've known the longest. He's been my confidant and best friend until I moved to Florida. But little did I know he'd be the only person to betray me."

The crowd gasps and all the smiles slip away

"For those of you who don't know, Mikey has been flirting with and making sexual advances at my dear Niall ever since we moved here. Neither of them told me, and I don't blame my dear Niall. I know that he didn't tell me since he didn't want to tear apart me and Mikey's friendship. But Niall could never do that, Mikey did it all on his own."

Harry is staring at Mikey with a look of anger, as Mikey tries to avoid any and all eye contact. Niall is holding his breath.

"So family, I want you all to forgive me when I say that I hate this evil, conniving piece of shit, and I hope that you rot in hell for harassing my boyfriend and trying to steal him from me. And I hope you all forgive me for this..."

As soon as the last word left his mouth he punched Mikey square in the jaw. The room erupted in gasps and small screams. Mikey is knocked to ground, looking up at Harry and clutching his jaw.

"And to put the icing on the cake, Niall can you come here please?"

"You not gonna hit me too are you?" Niall says standing next to Harry.

"Of course not." Harry chuckles. "But I do have some things to say to you."

"Niall you are the light of my life. When I think about my future, I can only see you in it. You're my best friend. You make me a better person. You make me laugh. You dry my tears when I cry. And you're the reason I'm still here today. When I first moved to Florida, I hated who I saw in the mirror. Everyone saw me as the big bully British kid. And even though I bullied you, you still somehow saw through the façade, and saw the real me. You didn't judge me or punish me for what I'd done to you. Instead you became my friend and helped me through positive means."

Harry then gets down on one knee and pulls out a box.


Suddenly, Louis walks out into the living room, carry what appears to be a giant poster. Everyone gasps as they see what the poster is of. 

It's of everyone during Niall's birthday party, standing around all the celebrities, smiling. Behind their heads is a sign saying "MARRY ME, NIALL?"

"So will you, Niall Horan, light of my life, marry me?"

Niall was already in tears by the time Harry finished his speech. He nods his head, tears streaming down his face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times Yes!!" He squeals as Harry places the ring on his finger and pulls him up for  world stopping kiss.

They pulled back in time to see Mikey getting up and running from the house. Everyone stared after him and turned back to Harry and Niall with prize winning smiles.

"Well on that note, I need a drink!" Maura says heading into the kitchen. She pours everyone a shot of Jack Daniels.

"To Niall and Harry! May they have a happy engagement, and a happy married life!"

"To Niall and Harry!" everyone cheers.

"I love you, fiancé"

"I love you too, fiancé"


So sorry this has taken so long. University sucks. 


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