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"Oi, Styles!" Zayn calls.

The hallway goes silent as Harry and Niall turn to face an angry Zayn stalking down the hall with determined steps.

"What do you want Malik?"

"You know what I want. Niall"

"Yeah and I told you, you weren't Getty g him so why don't you scurry along."

"Because I don't want someone else. I want him."


"He was the only boy I ever loved."

If possible, the hallway goes even more silent. Harry's grip on Niall's hand tightens before he let's go.

"You wanna repeat that?" he growls, jaw clenched.

"I said, he was the only boy I-"

His sentence is stopped short, by Harry. He punched him directly in the mouth. When Zayn. turns to face Harry his lip is split and blood is dribbling down his chin.

"Don't ever say you love him EVER again!"

Zayn swings and punches Harry in the jaw. Harry turns back to face him and laughs, a bruise already forming.

"You're about to wish you hadn't done that." Harry laughs.

He swings again punching Zayn in the jaw. a the crowd gasps in every move they make.

Zayn tries to grab Harry's hair but Harry grabs his head instead but Harry grabs his head in both hands. He slams his head into a locker, causing a large dent to form in the metal. Zayn groans and kicks Harry in the stomach. Zayn then shoves him into the closed locker doors. Harry groans when his stomach is cut against the metal.

"Malik!" he says turning to face Zayn. "Fuck you!"

And with that he punches Zayn so hard he's out cold. Someone in the crowd yells "TKO" as Harry stumbles over to Niall.

"You okay?"

"I think I should be asking you that, Harry."


Niall leans up and lightly kisses Harry, not wanting to hurt his bruised face even more. They pull apart and look to see someone calling an ambulance for Zayn.

"Wanna go home?"


**Next Day**

Zayn groans as he wakes up. His whole body is sore. He tries to sit up but a voice stops him.

"Don't move. You'll only hurt yourself"

Zayn focused his eyes on where the voice is coming from. Niall.

"What're you doing here? Thought you'd be with your boyfriend."

"I don't have to be with him all the time. He actually dropped me off."

"Still cant drive?" Zayn says jokingly.

"No. But now's not the time for jokes is it?"

"No. I suppose not."

"Harry's coming to pick me up in an hour. aso start talking"

"What do you wanna know?"

"Why you abused me."

Zayn takes a deep breath and released it in a heavy sigh. He stares out the window at the sunset as he talks.

"I got mad. She. we first got together, no one wanted you. I did though. You  were always so cute and shy. Still are. I thought, why not take the piss? So I asked you out.

"So at first it was a joke? Our relationship?"

"Yeah. It was. But then I actually did fall for you. You were sweet and kind. But then people started to take notice. And you changed. You weren't always so shy. You started to speak up in class. People came up to you in the hallways.

"At first I was okay with it. Until some kid came up to me and asked if he could ask you out when we broke up. I got mad and it all came to a head and I took it out on you."

He looks Niall in the eye when he says, "I never got to I love you. I lost that privilege when I hurt you the way I did. I am so immensely sorry. I can't even begin to describe to you how sorry I am. I was trying to win you back but...that boyfriend of yours. Very stubborn."

"That he is. You know, fighting with my boyfriend isn't the way to win me back?"

"Well to be fair, Harry did swing first"

"Alright. Fair enough."

They stay silent for a while before Zayn speaks.

"I guess there's no way of winning you back?"

Niall shakes his head no and says "No. sorry. Harry and I have been going strong and I don't want anything to ruin it. You included."

"Fair enough."

They sit quietly for a while before Harry walks into Zayn's hospital room.

"Hey. Time to go babe."


Niall stands up and takes Harry's outstretched hand, intertwining their fingers. Harry pulls Niall into his side.


Niall and Harry turn around to face Zayn.

"You two make a lovely couple. I can see the way you look at each other. I'm sorry I tried to get in the way of that."

Niall stares wide eyed while Harry narrows his eyes in suspicion. When they find no trace of deception they both say quietly, "thank you"

And with that they turn and walk out of the room. Once outside, Niall says "That went better than expected."


Niall nods in response.

"Okay. How about celebratory McDonald's?"

"So glad you're my boyfriend!" Niall says hugging Harry.

"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again."


Hope you enjoyed!

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