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I forgot to update. 



"Welcome to Advanced Placement Pyschology. My name is Mr. Marx and I will be your instructor for the year."

This is how Niall and Harry are greeted on the first day of Senior year by their first teacher.

"Please take a seat anywhere."

Niall and Harry head over to the table in the middle of the room. When they sit down, Harry wraps an arm around Niall and pulls out a pen.

"For your first assignment I want you to take out a piece of paper, write three facts about the person next to you. This is an ice breaker."

Niall pulls out two pieces of paper and hands one to Harry.

"Thanks babe."


Niall writes:

Is Bisexual, Likes indie-rock and stupid hipster music, legal immigrant

"Oh. Real funny, Babe. At least change the first one."


"Because everybody already knows that. I don't understand why we have to do this. Everyone knows everyone."

"Okay. How about, addicted to bananas?"

"Fuck you."

Niall laughs and changes what he has written on the paper.

"Okay. Now bring up the papers and put them in the box." Mr. Marx says.

Everyone gets up and passes in the papers.

"Okay. I'm going to pick a paper at random, read the facts, and I want u to guess who it is. I know you guys already know each others names." he says.

"So first paper says, ' Drunk Irish bastard,(watch the profanity), Ball of sunshine and energy that talks alot, and kicks ass at football (American Soccer) and Fifa.'" he laughs. "So who do you think it is?"

"Niall" the class collectively says.

"Correct." he smiles. "Next one says, 'Adorable tiny sex-God, (innapropriate" the class laughs, " 'freshly dyed blonde hair, dominates the drums."


"Good job."

The rest of class went basically the same way. It was relatively boring. Niall fell asleep on Harry somewhere in the middle of the 55 minutes class.

The bell rings, startling Niall awake and almost causing him to fall out of his chair.

"Jesus Christ" he gasps

"That's what you get for falling asleep." Harry chuckles.

Niall growls at him, grabbing his bag and looking down at his schedule. He bumps into someone and quickly apologizes , not looking up. 

He keeps walking until he reaches his next class, which he happens to share with Harry.

He notices the entire hallway has gone silent. Deathly silent. He looks around to see everyone is staring at the retreating back of the guy Niall bumped into.

A girl rushes up to him and says, "Do you know who that is?"

"No. Who'd I just bump into?"

"Zayn Malik."

Niall freezes on the spot. He barely registers Harry slipping his hand in his.

"Who's Zayn Malik?" Harry asks.

"My ex-boyfriend." Niall whispers in shock.



I hope you enjoyed.

This was mostly a filler chapter.

But there is some drama to come.

Next update in like 20 minutes.

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