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"Are you going to MaKenzie's party?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, I want to."

"Gotta get cleared with Harry first?" Brandon teased.

"Shut the fuck up"

I closed my locker and went into class.

"Is he a dictator or is he a nice leader?" Jordan asked.

"Does he make you do things against your will?" Brandon joked.

"Guys, leave him alone!" Ellie interupted.

"Thank You, Ellie" I said gratefully.

"No problema. But is it like living with Harry for a weekend?"

"I ' know. Chill, I guess. Mum is leaving tonight. Then it'll be just me and Harry."

"Ah. No parties then?"

"No parties. And no friends except you guys."

"Yay! I feel loved." Brandon says.

"You shouldn't" I deadpanned.

"Well damn, I'm hurt." he said in response.

"Good!" I laughed.

"Alright class. Today we will be learning about Polynomial Factors." Mr. H said.

Time for bed I thought to myself, laying my head on the desk.

**6 Hours Later**

"Thank God its over!"

"You're just happy you get to spend the weekend with Harry." Ellie said.

"I do that anyway."

"Tru enough. But this time there's no adult supervision" Jordan said.

"I'll see you guys at the party later?" I asked ignoring Jordan's comment.

"Yeah!" They all cheered.

"Okay. See you later!"

"Baii!" they yelled.

I stood leaning against Harry's locker, waiting for him to appear.

"Blocking my locker"

I moved to the side and leaned against the locker next to his. He grabbed all his books and stuffed them in his backpack. He closed his locker and looked at me expectantly.


"You ready?"

"Oh! Yeah."



"Kidding, Leprechaun." he laughs walking down the stairs. I followed him over to the car and climbed into the passenger seat.

We drove in comfortable silence for most of the ride.

"Hey, are you going to MaKenzie's party tonight?"


"Why not?"

"Don't want to."

"So you're just gonna chill at home by yourself?"

"You're not going either."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"The hell I'm not"

I jumped out of the car and walked into the house.

"Mum, Harry said I can't go to a party"

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