A message from a Goddess

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Amber Rose

"How are we supposed to get to Africa?" Jordan asked. "I think I might have a way." I took out me phone and was about to use it, when suddenly Nico said "Wait! We can't use technology." He said frowning. "Why?" I asked dumbly. "Because the purpose of a phone is for monsters to track us. Every piece of technology has this chip in it. A vecro- something." Nico explained. "Good thing I took a class about this kinda stuff. Anyone got any tools?"

In less then ten minutes, a small blue chip was sitting in my lap as I dialled my fathers number.
Ambers Father

Dad. Dad it's me.
Amber. Oh thank goodness. Are you okay?
For now. I need a favour though.
I need to borrow that private jet.
Anything but that.
I just got a paint job.
Can I remind you, you missed my sixteenth birthday.
Okay. Where are you now?
Getting close to Maine.
Okay. I'll have it at the airport tomorrow.
Thank you.
No problem. Love you.
Love you too. Bye.

End of conversation

"I got us a private jet for tomorrow." I said. "Woah!" Jordan replied, eyes sparkling. "What do we do now?" "Easy. We sleep." "Okay. I'll pull up at one of those camping places." Clarrise said. "Good."

Once Clarrise stopped I unbuckled my seatbelt and said "Everyone out." "Why?!" Nico said grumpily. "Because I'm going to make you a bed." Using the blankets and pillows in the back of the van, I made three beds from each row, and one by folding down the front seat. I lit a lantern and placed it on the middle thingy, then I tidied up a bit. "Come back in." I said to the others. Jordan came in first. "Woah. You are good at this." "Thanks. You take the end one." "I'll take the front." Clarrise said as she jumped in the front door.

I laid down on my bed, and soon the luring of the lantern, made my eyes close.

Falling in love (A Nico Di Angelo love story) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now