SASS down

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We walked to the lake and Lila was waiting there.
I stepped forward.
"So how's miss ugly today." She asked smirking. "Stop asking yourself questions" I shot back taking her smirk.
Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder and Zeus appeared.
"Lord Zeus." We said kneeling.
"Rise. Aphrodite has asked me to be the judge so start your sass"

(Team  1- Piper, Amber and Nico)
(Team 2- Lila)

1)"We would punch you but we don't want asshole on our hands"

2) "Pah-lease. Demigods are only little pawns for the Olympians and you know it"
3) ohhhhhhh
1) Right but at least we do things for them. I mean no wonder you stole the belt. Your so ugly that even a old man wouldn't date you.
3) BURN!!
2) I bet your mortal parents killed them selves because they couldn't stand your ugliness.
1) right. Look at those clothes. That shirt is so ugly it burns my eyes. Those pants were did you get them. The dump. That purse is so last season and we know those sunglasses are cheap knockoffs for ray bans.
3) Oh SNAP

She looked at us. "I step down "she mumbled
I walked up to the belt slung it over my shoulder.
"Chow peeps" piper said flashing a peace sign as we walk away.
We found Aphrodite at her beauty spa.
We walked in and I knelt.
"Rise." I rose and gave her the magic belt. "Ermegahd thank you so much. Oh and amber your keeping the eyes. Bye!"

She snapped her fingers and everything went hazy.

When I could see again I was in the black dress, stilettos   and the makeup.
"Amber, Piper, Nico we have been looking for you guys for ages" some guy from the Demeter cabin exclaimed.
We ran to the Aphrodite cabin where everyone was doing random stuff. Michele came up to us and his eyes widened.
"Amber what happened" he asked.
"Tell you later. "
We ran to cabin 13.

"Nico hurry up" piper yelled
He came out and we ran to the big house.

Falling in love (A Nico Di Angelo love story) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now