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Amber Rose

We stepped out of the car. "It's deserted." Nico said, gripping the hilt of his sword. "It's always deserted. People aren't supposed to be here." I answered, gripping my dagger tightly. "Why?" "Not sure. Look. There's the castle." I answered. "What's left of it." Nico corrected. "Yeah. Lets go."

The stone walls were covered with moss and vines, with flowers growing in the grass. "Here." Clarrise said. Her knuckles were white from holding her electric spear tightly. She was pointing at a hole in the ground. "What is it." "Staircase." She grimly replied. "Wonder what's down there." Jordan said. "There's only one way to find out." I replied.

The stairs went deep underground. I could hear the rushing of water in the distance. "I can't see." I said, stumbling blindly. "I can." Nico said. "How. It's pitch black." Jordan said. "Son of Hades. Hello." "Oh yeah." "Quick. Amber, grab my hand. Jordan grab Amber's and Clarrise grab Jordan's hand." Nico lead us down the tunnel, until eventually, we reached a large door. A lantern hung above the door, so I could read the inscriptions in the door.

Ονομάστε τα τρία μεγάλα και περιμένετε την επόμενη ερώτηση

"Name the big three and wait for the next question." I translated. "Zeus, Poseidon and Hades." The inscription shimmered and disappeared, new words forming.

Ονομάστε το ολυμπιακό συμβούλιο

"Name the Olympian council." Nico translated. "Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Athena and Dionysus." I said. The words shimmered once more and were replaced with new words.

Ονομάστε το γιο του Απόλλωνα που έγραψε το τραγούδι για το λουίζ

"Name the son of Apollo who wrote the song Für Elise." Nico read. "Beethoven." I replied.

Τώρα χτυπήστε τρεις φορές Δύο πρέπει να μοιράζονται ένα φιλί

"Now knock three times, then two must share a kiss?!" I read. "Um. Clarrise?" I asked. "You wanna kiss one of them." "I have a boyfriend. I can't." She said shrugging." "Amber. Just kiss Nico." "No." "Too late." Jordan knocked on the door three times, then he pushed me towards Nico who caught me and kissed me.

The door swung open and I glared at the boys. "Fuck you both." "Shut up! Listen." Clarrise hissed.
"They will find me!" "Dear Hebe. You are such a dreamer. In less then 72 hours, I will harness all your power, and I will be young forever."

"So that's why they captured Hebe. She has the power to make the titans young." I said, eyes widening. "Come on." We snuck in to the stone room quickly and hid behind some creates. "Here's the plan. Nico and I should go for Hyperion, Jordan and Amber for Krios." Clarrise said. "No. Amber shouldn't fight. She hasn't trained like we have. We fight, she can try unchain Hebe." "Good plan. How do we get his attention." I looked around and saw a bunch of little rocks on the ground. I picked up a few and said "You want his attention. You got it." I threw rocks at his head. He turned, saw us and roared "KILL THEM!"

In a flash, I was running to Hebe while the others attacked the monsters. "Lady Hebe!" "Amberlie. Quick. The key is around Hyperion's neck." True enough, he had a gold key hanging from a chain around his neck. "Then there's only one way to get it." I backed up then broke into a sprint. I jumped and suddenly I was on a titans back. "Get off me you foolish demigod." He roared. "Fuck up you little bitch!" I yelled back. "AMBER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jordan yelled. "THE KEY. HE HAS IT." Jordan nodded and shot an arrow at Hyperion's leg. The titan staggered and I managed to steal the key. "GET OFF ME!" Hyperion flung me into Nico, who caught me. "Be careful." I nodded and slipped out of his arms. Just before he caught me wrist. "Yeah." He pulled me back and kissed my lips softly. "Good luck." I smiled and nodded. "Don't worry Di Angelo. I can handle myself."

I ran back to Hebe, dodging Clarrise's spear. "Good job." I unlocked her and immediately she regenerated in power. "Close your eyes." We all closed our eyes and she showed her true form. All the monsters burst into dust and Krios was limp on the floor. "Where's Hyper-," I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I looked down. The tip of a sword was sticking out of my stomach.

Everything went black, as I heard someone yelling. "AMBER!"

Falling in love (A Nico Di Angelo love story) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now