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"Girl you look great"Leslie gasps

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"Girl you look great"Leslie gasps. "Thanks"I smile blushing. "I have to take a picture"She says smiling. I smile and she snaps a picture. "Okay now send it to your boo thing"she winks. "He's not my 'boo thing' L"I laugh. "Do it anyways"she says smiling. I shake my head and text Delirious.
Me: Hey xx
De: Hey (: xx
Me: So I just finished getting ready for the party I'm going to °-°
De: ooohhh can I see? (; xx
Me: hmmmm sure *insert picture*
De: oh my...
De: You are beautiful ♥.♥
Me: Aw thank you c: xx
De: you're welcome now go party (; but make sure you don't get into trouble. xx
I smile and slip my phone in my bag. "What did he say?"she asks with a smirk. "Nothing"I blush hiding my face. She chuckles and starts to walk out. "Lets go party"she says and leaves. I take a deep breath and exit her room. The house was already croweded and it just started. I feel an arm snake around my waist and I jump slightly. "You look beautiful"I hear Bryce's familiar voice whisper. I smile and thank him. "You look nice too by the way"I whisper and he just smiles. "Now let's go get something to drink shall we?"he says and I nod. This party won't be so bad. After a couple hours me and Bryce leave. "Lets take a walk"he smiles grabbing my hand. We have become close in the past couple days. Its been nice. We walk until we come across a pond. We sit on a bench close to it and stare up at the stars. "Beautiful"he mumbles. "Yea it is"I whisper. "I was talking about you"he says and I look at him. I feel my face heat up and he smiles. It might just be the dark but I swear he was leaning closer. "Hey! You forgot your phone!"I hear Leslie's familiar voice say making Bryce jerk back and grimace. She walks up to Bryce and hands him his phone. My phone starts ringing and I grab it. Its Delirious. "Hey gorgeous"he says. "Hey delirious"I say smiling. "How was the party"he asks. "It was fun I was with Bryce the whole time"I laugh lightly. I hear him chuckle and I smile. "Are you excited?"he asks and I automatically knew what he was talking about. "Yea I can't wait to meet you"I squeal. "Should I wear my mask?"he asks. "Well if you want I won't know it's you from a distance unless you do"I laugh. "Good point"he chuckles. "What is ohm gonna do? Just not wear one or?"I ask. "I don't know"he says and laughs slightly. I feel my heart flutter and I look at Bryce to see him frowning. "Well I have to go I'll talk to you tomorrow probably"I say smiling. "Okay bye beautiful"he says hanging up. I put my phone up and look at Bryce. "Can we stop by my house before we go to yours?"I ask and lay my head on his lap. He nods and smiles slightly. "So when we go to North Carolina to meet the guys we are splitting up between Cartoonz house and Delirious's house where are you staying?"I ask. He sighs and starts playing with my hair. "Probably Cartoonz"he says looking in my eyes. "So is ohm so I guess I'm the only one going to delirious's"I laugh. "Yea"he says forcing a laugh. I frown but don't say anything. After a while we go to my house. I open the door to see it was clean and James's suitcases were by the door. "Hi"I hear James say from the couch. I wave and Bryce shakes his head. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning"James says quietly. I nod slowly and walk to my room and grab a suitcase so I can pack early for next week. Bryce sits on my bed and watches me. After I pack all my clothes I need and a few other things I go to grab my camera. "Wow that's a nice camera"Bryce says with wide eyes. "Yea I just use it to take pictures when I go somewhere new"I laugh. He chuckles and I zip my suitcase. "All done"I sigh grabbing my extra pair of clothes for tomorrow. "Well let's go then"he smiles then we leave. As soon as we get back to his place I go to sleep. I wish it was next Friday already.

*next Friday*

"Okay got everything?"bryce asks for the tenth time. "YES LETS GO"I say getting aggravated. He rolls his eyes and we hurry to the airport. After we get on the plane, I put headphones in and close my eyes. Boys here I come. After what feels like 5 minutes I feel someone shake me. "We are here"Bryce says smiling. "Who's picking us up?"I ask smiling. "Cartoonz"he says with a lopsided smile. I nod and rush off the plane. I grab my bags and look for cartoonz. As soon as I see him I rush towards him. When I get a few feet away and know Bryce is by my bags I drop them and run to Cartoonz. He sees me and smiles. I jump on him and he barely catches me. "Hey Dylan"he laughs. "Hi Luke"I say smiling. (If you didn't know thats his real name) "It's alright I got your bags"Bryce hollers sarcastically. "I got them"Cartoonz laughs. "Thanks"I smile. He shakes his head and we get in the car. As soon as we get situated he heads to delirious's house. "Okay, They both have their faces covered for now until we are all together"Cartoonz says looking at me and Bryce. We nod and get out. "For now your bags are fine"as soon as cartoonz says that I sprint in the house. I see a familiar blue hoodie and squeal. He turns and is indeed wearing a mask. I run over to him and jump on him. He catches me and I just squeeze him. "Hey beautiful"he chuckles. God his voice is so much better in person. "Its amazing to finally meet you"I mumble hiding my face in his neck. He chuckles and I smile. I hear someone cough and I turn to see a very annoyed Bryce. "Oh shut up"I mumble. "What about me?"I hear a familiar voice say. I turn to see Ohm standing there. Thing is.. he isn't covering his face. I gasp and he chuckles. He has brown hair and blue/green eyes. He also had a little hair on his face but not a full on beard or anything. He was very good looking. He wasn't a stick but he wasn't too big either. "Ohm!"I squeal and hug him. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. "Hey kid"he says smiling. "Why can't you be younger"I laugh jokingly. "Well why can't you be older?"he laughs joking too. "Shut your damn mouth ohm! You have a girlfriend"Delirious says joking but serious at the same time. We all laugh, even Bryce. "Hey Ohm and Delirious"Bryce says now smiling. After everyone says hi and everything Delirious stands infront of us all. "Okay guys, you ready?"he asks obviously nervous. We all nod and he starts to pull his mask off.....He pulls it off and I gasp. My only thought being, Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Hey guys here's chapter 5! I wonder if she thinks Delirious is good looking. Probably. The picture is of their outfits for the party. I hope you all enjoyed!

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