Christmas Came Early?

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"Lets play hide and seek!"Delirious says smiling

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"Lets play hide and seek!"Delirious says smiling. "Okay"I laugh as we get the game set up. "Who we gonna play with?"I ask smiling. "Vanoss, Terroriser, MiniLadd, and Basically"Delirious says handing me my controller. I nod and suddenly everyone joins."Hey Delirious!"I hear Mini chirp. "Hi Mini!"Delirious laughs. "Who's Dylan"Marcel (basically) asks kind of confused. "Bryce's girl thanngg"Delirious says with a smirk. "Oooohhhh"I hear terroriser say probably smirking. "Well Mister delirious do they know about how she was YOUR girl thaannngg first"Ohm says from behind us. Delirious glares at ohm and I laugh lightly. "Oh damn"Vanoss says obviously surprised. "Go Bryce!"Mini whistles jokingly. "Shut up"Delirious growls surprising everyone. "Come on Del they were just messing"I whisper placing my hand on his arm. He looks at me and he looks..broken..I grab his hand and kiss it softly. Ohm looks at me and smiles softly before leaving. Delirious relaxes and so does every one else. "Okay boys, you are going down"Marcel says and we laugh. I choose to use my own character and I run to hide. "Hey, Dylan over here"vanoss says quietly. I turn to see his usual owl character on the train. "Oh hi"I say walking to him. When the timer has 40 seconds left everyone but me and Vanoss are caught. "Vanosss, Dylannnn, where are youuuu"Delirious cackles. I try to move but I get stuck. "Shit I'm stuck"I say with wide eyes. "Me too"Vanoss says trying to get unstuck. "Stay still Vanoss or they will find us"I mumble. With 10 seconds left Mini enters the room. "Vanossss"he says looking around. Then he sees us. "I FOUND THEM"he yells but it was too late the time was out. We had won. "We won bitchesss"Vanoss laughs making me laugh too. Delirious looks over at me and smiles. "You're pretty good"he smiles. "You're not so bad yourself"I wink and we continue playing.
"Babeeee"Bryce whines as I try to wiggle out of his grip. "I need to take a shower Ohm wants to hang out"I say shaking my head. "Fine.."he pouts letting me go. After I take a shower I hug Bryce and kiss his cheek. "Ill see you later okay?"I smile making him nod as he pecks my lips. "Bye beautiful"he smiles and I walk out. "Ready to go?"Ohm smiles and I nod. He pulls me to him hugging me and I smile. After he pulls away I sigh. "So it's almost time to head back home"he sighs throwing an arm around my shoulders. "I know"I frown and hug him again. He chuckles hugging me. "I'm gonna miss you little one"he smiles. "I'm gonna miss you too Ohm"I sigh still hugging him. "You should start a YouTube channel"Ohm says randomly. "That would be fun, I suppose"I chuckle. "We could all give shout outs to you and you could have millions of subscribers right off the bat"he laughs and I smile. "You're insane but I'll think about it. Its almost Christmas we have 2 months maybe if everyone helps with equipment I could"I smile and he nods slowly as we start walking. "You could use Bryce's for now"Ohm suggests and I nod. "I love video games too so"I smile as we walk into Starbucks. After we order they ask for a name. "Dohm"Ohm laughs and spells it. They write it down and we walk over to the line of pick ups. I'm gonna miss this.
"Its time to head to the airport"Bryce sighs. "See ya later alligator"I smile at Cartoonz. "Text me when you land, okay?"he says smiling. I nod hugging him before I turn and look at Delirious. "Bye Del, I'm gonna miss you...I'll text you when I land see you around Christmas"I smile and hug him and Cartoonz. "Okay, let's go Dylan and Bryce"Ohm sighs as the cab pulls out front. I look at the two one last time before we leave...home... after we arrive at the airport I hug ohm tightly. "I'm going to miss you probably the most, you're like an older brother to me"I whisper squeezing him. "I'm gonna miss you too little one"he mumbles squeezing me tightly and kissing my head. After we say our goodbyes me and Bryce head to our plane.

*after flight*

Me: Hey guys, I just got off the plane! Ohm call me when you get home! And Guys I already miss you, Christmas better hurry up.
After I text the guys I sigh and we drive to Bryce's house."Let's go sleep beautiful" Bryce mumbles kissing my head. He picks me up, making me squeal, and carries me to his room. "Brycee"I whine. "Ohm is supposed to call me, then we can sleep"I mumble and he sighs. I sit on the couch watching the news, trying to pass time, when something catches my eye. "A plane that seems to have came from North Carolina crashed into a Chicago just a few moments ago"the news reporter says and my heart stops. "Ohm"I whisper and dial his number. It goes straight to voicemail making me tear up. I dial Cartoonz and he answers. "Hello"he mumbles. "Something might have happened to ohm turn on the news"I whisper and I hear Delirious asking him what's going on. "Oh my God"Cartoonz gasps. "I'm going to Chicago now"I whisper grabbing Bryce's keys. "Us too, bring Bryce we will meet you at the hospital there"he croaks and hangs up. "BRYCE CAR NOW"I scream my voice cracking. I hear him running and I jump in the car. He gets in and I speed to the airport. "Woah there what's going on"Bryce asks with wide eyes. "Ohm got in a plane crash"I whisper and get out. I see tears fill his eyes and we grab the bags from North Carolina. We can clean the clothes. We buy the tickets and hurry. Luckily we got tickets to a flight that was 10 minutes from leaving. A lot of people dropped the flight. "Please be okay"I whisper as we get in the plane.
After the flight we rush to the hospital. I rush to the front desk in tears. I ask if he was there and she asked for a picture of him. I pull one up and she smiles. "Room 1995 he's a lucky one"she says and I sprint to his room. Bryce following close behind me. He's like my brother. I can't lose him. I open the door to see him laying there with his eyes closed. I sit by him and grab his hand. "Ohm, you look terrible"I laugh wiping my face. I feel his hand squeeze mine and a smile appears on his face. "Thanks D"he smiles opening his eyes. "I was so scared"I whisper hugging him. He groans in pain and I let go. "I'm sorry"I mumble and he just chuckles. "Bryce get over here"he says making Bryce rush to his side. "Are you okay?"he asks obviously worried. "Yea I'm fine it wasn't that bad of a crash, do the other 2 know"he asks and I nod. "I called Cartoonz after you didn't answer and told him to look on the news they should be here any minute now"I say and the door opens. "Ohm God Damnmit you bastard, you scared us"Cartoonz says looking as though he had been crying for a while. "Where's Delirious?"Ohm asks and I frown. "He fell asleep so I left him in the backseat"Cartoonz smiles. "He was so worried I had to force him to lay down"he chuckles shaking his head. "I was wondering why you weren't calling and now I know"I mumble and hug O
hm again. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me gently. "We weren't that high off the ground when we crashed so most people were just injured"he says and I sigh. "I only got a hurt shoulder and arm I'll be fine it will be healed up in no time"he smiles. "Good cause I didn't want to have to make you live with me for a while"I joke and he smiles. "Where's your boo thing?"I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn to see Delirious and I smile. "We broke up"Ohm frowns and I do too. "When?"I ask confused. "You know when we were hanging out? And I hugged you as soon as I seen you?"he asks and I nod. "Well it was a few minutes before that"he says and my eyes widen. "Why didn't you tell me"I ask and he just smiles. "It doesn't matter you guys are all I need"he says and I feel my heart flutter. "Awwwww"Delirious laughs and pulls all of us into a hug. "I love you guys"Ohm smiles. "We love you too"I smile up at him. Maybe everything will be alright. Or that's what I thought anyways. "Hey guys I guess Christmas came early righttt" "Shut up Delirious"
This made me feel like an emotional roller coaster honestly. And if you dont understand what delirious said at the end it was because she said "see ya around Christmas" that exact same day. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed. Oh yea the picture is Ohmwrecker! Read on.

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