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After seeing what happened to Tyler it made me think. What if Bryce felt the same way as Tyler? What if I broke him? As of now I'm sitting in Mine and Evan's room waiting for him. It's really later right now and everyone is asleep or watching a movie. God why can't I get these thoughts out of my head. After about 30 minutes of me sitting and drowning in these thoughts, the bedroom door opens and Evan walks in. "Hey princess, you alright?"he asks and I shake my head as tears fill my eyes threatening to spill out. "Kelly left Tyler, Evan.. He's so fucking heartbroken...w-what if that's how I made Bryce feel, Evan? I can't live with myself if I did that"I mumble as tears spill out of my eyes. "Baby Girl.."he whisper before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. "I love you Evan I really do but.."I cry as I bury my head in his chest. He sighs and I don't dare look at his face. I knew it wouldn't be good. He's probably pissed or heartbroken. Maybe he is both pissed and heartbroken. I'm a terrible human being. "I love you baby girl... But you love him.."he whispers and I feel my heart breaking. "I know you do, you always have. You guys are meant for each other. I just thought maybe that you could love me instead"he whispers and I look up at him. I notice the tears in his eyes and the smile he was forcing making me squeeze him tightly. "Go to him princess. I'll miss you"he says quietly and I press my lips against his one last time. "Go to him Dylan..."he says with a small smile on his face and I run out of our room. I know Bryce was sharing a room with that bitch but I didn't care at this moment. I wanted Bryce and that's all I was worried about.  What surprised me when I got there though was he was in the room alone. The bitch's stuff wasn't even in there. I notice him sleeping so I crawl in the bed next to him hoping I don't wake him up. That was ruined when I feel his arms wrap around me causing me to smile. "I've missed you so much"he whispers and I peck his cheek. "I've missed you too Bryce"I smile as he looks down at me. "You know, I didn't think you would come back"he whispers and I cuddle closer to him. "I'm sorry Bryce, I'm so sorry.."I whisper as he kisses the top of my head. "Let's sleep for now princess, we'll talk in the morning about all of this, I love you so god damn much"he mumbles and my heart flutters slightly. "I love you too Bryce, so god damn much"I say quietly as we drift off into a well needed and deserved sleep. Maybe everything will be okay now. Or at least that's what I thought.


"Bryce! Can you please help me edit this videoooo plleeeaassee"I whine as I turn to look at him causing him to chuckle. I ended up coming back with Bryce to Georgia. It's been about 4 months. Evan isn't mad or anything, he's happy for us. He met this girl named Emily anyways and they have been talking. "Sure baby"Bryce smiles as he sits next to me. "I love you baby girl, you know that right?"he whispers as I sit on his lap and I chuckle before nodding my head. "Of couse Bryce, I love you too oh so much"I say chuckling slightly before pecking his lips and turning back towards the computer. "How long are you wanting this video to be?"he asks as he kisses my neck and I shrug. "I don't care as long as it's not 2 hours or something like that we should be fun. It was a Gmod video that I was probably going to split into more than one video for sure. We sit there for hours laughing, joking, editing, making out, etc. Then I get a call that changes my life forever. "Hey there Ohmie my homie, what's up bub?"I ask a smile still on my face. "Is this Dylan or Ryan's sister?"I hear a female voice ask and I start to get confused. "uh Yea why? who is this?"I ask confused and I hear a choked sob leave the woman. "This is Hailey, Ohm's ex...I'm so sorry"She whispers and I get even more confused. "What happened? Why are you sorry?"I ask starting to get worried for Ohm. "I-I..he-he.."she trails off and I start to get angry. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM"I scream, obviously angry, and she starts to cry even harder. "He passed away"She says and my heart stops. "What.."I say suddenly quiet. "He was crossing the road and a drunk driver came out of no where a-and hit him..I'm so sorry"She says and tears start to fall from my eyes. "You're lying"I whisper and she laughs dryly. "I wish I was"she says and I hang up before dropping my phone. Then my phone rings again. I answer and it's her again. "I didn't finish Delirious or well Johnathon was...he..passed away too. He was with Ryan"she says and I feel my body hit the floor as everything turns black. I hear Bryce screaming my name but it sounds far away. My body goes numb and I can't feel anything and I can't open my eyes. Bryce's voice starts to fade away and is replaced with a voice I haven't heard in a while. "Babe, Leslie is blowing up your phone get up"I hear the person chuckle and I open my eyes. "You have to be at the cafe in 5 minutes and you are sleeping"Jason chuckles and I start to feel very confused. It was just a dream. All of it...Why did it seem so real? Why did i feel so real? I jump up from the couch and scatter out the door. I don't say anything to Jason, I just drive to the cafe. When I get there I park and fix my hair and stuff before heading inside. Then I freeze. This can't be happening. "Hey are you okay?"I hear the sweet familiar voice ask and tears fill my eyes as I shake my head. Bryce pulls me to a table and sits his stuff down. "What's wrong?"he asks obviously concerned. "I had a bad dream is all I had to meet a friend here so I didn't have time to really comprehend it. I guess"I laugh lightly. "I'm sorry, here let me buy you something"He smiles and instead of fighting it I just nod and smile at him. I look down and realize instead of the delirious shirt from before I'm wearing a flannel with an Xbox shirt underneath. "You seemed like a White Chocolate Mocha type of person so that's what I gotcha"Bryce chuckles before handing me a drink. "Thank you so much"I chuckle and he just smiles before sitting across from me. "Now, you seem cool so let's talk a little more"he says and I nod waiting for him to start a conversation. "Do you like video games?"


Hey everyone! Please don't hate me XD So this is it....I'm doing one more thing then that's the end of "Just A Gamer"..I'm pretty happy with this story ^-^ Anyways Comment, Vote, Share, etc. BYYYYYYEEEEE. xx ^-^

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