the tears

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"Your mom is so nice for watching Mecca."

Chi smiled, holding his hands as they sat in the waiting room. "I mean, she likes to. Can't wait for RyDae to come out because she's already trying to make a schedule."

Zayn chuckled, crossing his legs. Maybe he should call his mom. Nah. Jk.

"How are you feeling?"

"Besides a random child living with us and potentially being abandoned by her parents? Peachy," she breathed out a small laugh, "I feel like I should be on a detective show. Trying to find out where they are exactly and how to call them. And why her relatives refuse to take her. Why is that?"

"Probably want nothing to do with it. Never did."

"Chi?" Dr. Stork smiled at them both and opened the door. Zayn helped her up and followed her waddling figure to the familiar back room of the office. She sat on the examination table and set her hands on her continent of a baby bump. "How are you beauties?"

"Fine, thank you," Chi smiled, "tired, though."

"Yeah, I understand. Mason turned six yesterday and I'm still pooped from the party."

"Omg, how's he doing?"

"Great, great, I think he still thinks girls have cooties. Love to keep it that way."

Zayn chuckled, watching the doctor flip a paper on her clipboard. "Long way to go, eh?" he referred to her own little baby numb, which was more prominent than the last time they met.

"Oh," the doctor smiled cutely and sat on the rolling stool, "yeah, five months left. Unlike you two. Thirty eight weeks, Chi? Thought you woulda popped the sucker out by now."

"Same, but no. He'll probably be here the whole forty two weeks."

"As expected most of the time," she replied, covering Chi's thighs and pushing her t shirt dress up so her belly was exposed. She started the sonogram and Zayn looked at how big his baby was.

Dr. Stork hummed as she looked at the small monitor. "I can't tell but your baby looks huge. At least six pounds."

"That's more than I thought," Chi said, biting her lip, "though he was gonna be small since my preeclampsia."

"No, preeclampsia doesn't mess with the weight as much as you think. It's the heart. But, you're under control now and so is he. Regular heartbeat, pretty little nose. He's fine you just have to be careful even more now."

"When do you expect him to be outta me?" Chiara asked seriously even though her approach was comical.

"Literally on the exact day, the twenty second."


"Babe." Zayn chuckled at her.

"Oh, forgot, you guys," Dr. Stork gave them a prescription, "those are the new blood pressure pills, don't throw the others out just in case. If these ones make you vomit, stop taking them and just take the others. These are supposed to help your blood pressure stay down for a longer time than the ones you've got."

"Just what you've needed," Zayn leaned back in his chair.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asked. "Is it stress?"

"Yes, most definitely."

"I'm here if you need me, but honestly we're just two pregnant ladies."

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