Heading to Gotham

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Alice was a 19 year old girl from New York and was as tough as nails. She always wore black jeans and converse and a small leather jacket. Alice had blue eyes and pale skin, she also had long dark brown hair. She had, had a bad past and most of the kids she grew up were still in the same gutter they were born into. She was too, but she knew something had to change and had to get out of where she was and where her life was heading. Alice knew she had a bad life so far. Like I said before most of the kids she grew up with just went with the tide and followed in there parents footsteps, which wasn't good being that they were in the ghetto. They'd either dropped out of school or became criminals or a lot of the time both. If you weren't either of those then you probably a junkie. But since I'm being honest, she did want to be like them at one time. That is until she watched her brother die of an overdose when she was 13 and then watched his "friends" abandon them both. Ever since then she swore to herself that she'd leave there one day and do something good with her life. Well......at least goodish.

Alice was in the backseat of a cab that was almost at Gotham she was kind of nodding off but was startled by the cab drivers voice. "So, what brings you to Gotham?"

"School.." she paused looking out the window, " I'm attending Gotham University, I'm gonna study to be a therapist." The cab driver chuckled. 

"What's so funny?" She asked with a slight anger in her voice.

"Oh no it's not you, sorry it's just I remember a few years ago picking up a girl was also from New York and was gonna study to be a therapist.. yeah funny thing is she turned out to be a loon." Alice stayed silent still looking out the window. "Hey, why Gotham?"

"Well, from what I heard it's strange here and I guess I gravitate to that kinda stuff and here's better than where I was before," Alice slowly smirked, " also it's the only place that would except me." Her and the cab driver both laughed.

"Alright, we're here." The cab driver once again startled Alice. "Sorry." He smirked. After Alice got her suit case out of the car and the driver drove she took a good look at the apartment that she had been saving up for, for a year now. It wasn't much at all but at least it was better than sleeping in the streets... hopefully. She went inside and saw broken walls dirty floors and it was just all around a train wreck, but it wasn't as bad as where she lived before. She unpacked her things and decided to take a shower. She undressed and wrapped a towel around then walked into the bathroom. She reached down to turn on the water and prayed it would actually work, the handles were rusty and the tub had stains on it." Please work." The water started coming out. "Thank god." After her shower she realized it was starting to get dark and came to the conclusion that it probably was best that she wait until daytime to explore a city she'd never been to. She started looking around more. The apartment had a small living room, a bathroom and bedroom, the kitchen was kind of attached to the living room. To her surprise there was a t.v in the living room that the last owner must have left. It wasn't big, but it worked. The first channel that was on was the NEWS she figured she'd watch it to get to know a little  more about Gotham. You'd think she would studied up on it a little bit before hand, but she didn't. It was just some stuff about the weather, then suddenly there was a breaking news broadcast. "Hi, we are Gotham channel 3 news and we are here in front of Arkham Asylum, where police have The Joker and Harley Quinn are now in custody," as the woman was talking both there mug shots popped up on the screen they were both smiling like crazy. " the couple escaped a month ago causing a rampage of chaos, at least 50 people were injured in this time and at least 20 were murdered. The two are now under high lock down and tonight the streets are a little safer. Alice clicked the t.v off.

"Okay, that's enough t.v ." Her first day of school was tomorrow and she wanted to make sure she wasn't late. When Alice woke up in the morning she took her show got dressed and headed down to the subway for Gotham University, she silently made a note to herself that she would go grocery shopping later when she heard her stomach growl. When she arrived at the University, she got goose bumps, but still kept her head up and walked confidently. Her first day was actually okay, she found her classes and so far made no enemies. Her second day was just the same until a boy with light brown hair and brown eyes approached her while she was sitting at a bench reading a book on how certain mental illnesses occur. "Hi." he said. She looked up at him, "Oh hi, is there a problem?" He smiled.

"No, I was just wondering if it's okay if I sit down?"

"Sure." She nodded. She went back to her book.

"So, your studying to be therapist?" She nodded not looking up from her book. "That's cool, I'm studying to be a doctor."

" What kind?"

"I'm not really sure yet." They both chuckled. "You know what I feel really rude I didn't even ask you your name?" She looked up and smiled.

"It's Alice."

"I'm Mike, so Alice you doing anything this Friday?" Alice smirked.

" Well, I wasn't before, but I guess I am now."


                                                                                              THAT FRIDAY

They sat in Mikes car after Mike attempted to take her to a bar. "Sorry I guess I should have mentioned, I'm not 21."  Mike smiled.

"It's okay, I should have asked you before, I just assumed." It was quiet for a while then mike slowly leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were and tasted like cherries. His tongue started to go into her mouth and their tongues fought for dominance. She moaned into his mouth. He started to lift her on to him still kissing her. She pulled away the kiss for air. "Not to disappoint you, but I don't have sex with guys I just met a few day ago."

" I can wait." She slightly smiled and kissed him again.

                                                                              1 MONTH LATER

"Okay, students," the professor started we have special treat for you all, this week we will visit, Arkham Asylum," Alice got chills hearing him say that even though she knew that probably one day she'd work there." we will all be able to see what crazy really looks like and examine it up close." Then some girl raised her hand. "Not too up close, right?" Everybody laughed.

" We will be taking a lot of precautions, but as long as you stay with the group you will be fine." Alice got even more chills when she started thinking about the Joker and Harley Quinn's mug shot and the fact that she was going to be the same building as them.

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