Harry- Those Three Words

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I swagged out my front door feeling like a boss.

I just got some new panties and they made me feel like I was on top of this world.

They had these ponies on them and all the ponies had different personalities.

I was talking to some of them. They're incredibly sweet ponies!

Suddenly, out of the corner of my left eyeball, I spotted a sexy creature lurking by.

This creature had curly hair and green eyes. I dived into a bush and in a non-stalkerish way, observed the man.

He scratched his right bum cheek and I almost fainted. He was heavenly!

He got into his car and emptied a stale cup of coffee on the bush and me.

Usually I'd be okay with that because I love coffee but he was ruining my new pony panties! They were probably soaked in coffee by now.

I screeched. ''Augh! Da hell?''

He looked confused so I stepped out the bushes.

''Sorry about that! I didn't realize you were hiding in the bushes!''

I blushed. ''I wasn't hiding! I was stalking. Duh!'' I flipped my hair sassily.

''Cool. I'm Harry!'' he said.

''I'm PonyPrincess!'' I replied.

Harry told me it was a beautiful name! Then he invited me to have lunch with him and I said yes.

He was so cute! I could've just died right there!

I had the world on my side! My new panties and Harry!

I changed out of my coffee clothes and put on some other sexy apparel.

Harry and I went out to this fancy restaurant. It was so classy. There wasn't any rats or anything!

He must really like me! Not that I would blame him. I mean, look at me. I'm like a goddess.

We ate and talked and had an amazing time! Harry is funnay, and cute and dayummmm he is FINE!

We became real close, real fast.

Harry said ''PonyPrincess, there's something I want to tell you!''

He was going to tell me he loved me! I just know it!!!!

''I- I um...'' he stuttered.

''C'mon. You can tell me!'' I excitedly said. I couldn't wait for him to say those three words!

''Tell me what it is Harry!''

The three words were coming!

''I am gay!''

''Oh Harry! I love- WAIT WHAT?''

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