Chapter 63

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Stella P.O.V.

Our was the end of the day and we all went home to get ready for Tim's birthday. Well more like I went to Alesa's house. Emily came with and we all went to the closet. We kicked Adam and and he took Mason with him I believe his mom is going to watch over Mason.

"So what are you wearing Em?" I asked as Alesa and I are already getting our outfits.

"I don't know why if I want to go." She said quietly and sat down on the bed. I looked at Alesa and she dropped her shoes. Emily? Not going to a dance club? What?

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked setting my clothes down and sitting beside her.

"I just. I." She stuttered. She took a deep breath and continued. "I have a huge crush on Michael and I just don't want to see his lady friend." She announced. I gasped in surprise and Alesa faked fainting.

"You have a crush on Red?! I didn't you ever tell us!" I screamed in happiness and hurt. Just overall joy.

"Well. I have a boyfriend spits kinda complicated." She said.

"You have a boyfriend?!" Alesa exclaimed. She nodded and smiled.

"We have a good relationship but we have been fighting a lot lately." She said and looked down at her lap.

"Hey it's fine. But dump his ass." I said. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Please come with us. We'll make Red jealous!" Alesa said. Em thought about it but then agreed.

"Fine I'll come." She decided. We squealed and ran into the closet.

Time skip to the club brought to you by Family Feud.

We arrived at the club and I just got a memory. Oh shit. How did I forget this? I stopped midtrack and someone ran into me.

"Ow. Why the hell did you stop?" Max asked, behind me. I didn't speak as I relived the memory. I almost got drugged and raped at this place. And I'm coming back here. How did I forget this? This was the day I had a full blown panic attack. This was the place that restarted my depression. This was the place that everything went downhill.

"Earth to Stella?" Max said waving a hand over my face. I looked at him then back at the club.

"I can't go in there." I whispered.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked worried. I can't believe he doesn't remember.

"It's the same cclub where I almost got raped Max. I can't go back in there." I stated. Max pulled me into a hug and I kept my eyes on the club.

"Yo! Are we gonna go in or what?" Red said excitedly. His 21st birthday was recently and he absolutely got wasted at Vegas. I believe he has the exact same thinking.

"Yeah. You guys go ahead. Adam I need to talk to you." Max said and everyone went inside. Ross glanced at me and I gave him my best smile. He nodded and went into with the others.

"What's wrong?" Adam immediately asked.

"It's Stella. Remember her full blown panic attack? Yeah it was from this place." Max said.

"But wasn't that in like Texas? Who cares?" He asked. "

"You know what, never mind. It's fine, it just brought back some memories." I said bitchly and walked in. Gosh he's annoying I hate him. Adam is a nice guy in real life! I was greeted with pulsing lights and loud music. I walked to the nearest sear at the bar at plopped on it.

"What can I get you pretty ladt?" The bartender asked.

"Just a water please," I said and he nodded.

"Stella? Is that you?!" Someone said behind me. I turned around and Jin was standing there smiling.

"Jin!" I yelled and jumped into his arms. "It's been so long."

"Yeah I know! What happened to you? You never texted me." He asked sitting down.

"Oh yeah. Well a lit of stuff has been happening and I never had time." I answered.

"Yeah. I heard about that. How are you?" He asked, sincerely concerned. I miss this guy.

"Getting better. Its a long process though." I said giving him a small smile. The bartender came and gave me a drink and gave Jin a beer.

"So. I went to the hospital when you were in there. Why didn't you tell the guys that I knew you?" He asked. Wait what?

"You know Adam, Max and the others?" I asked in surprise.

"Stella. I used to work with them. I don't think anyone is using my old office." He announced.

"Really? I had no idea!" I said surprised. I really didn't know that he used to work at the offices. Why did he quit? Or did he get fired? Eh it's not my business.

"Yeah. I quit though. I wa Ted to have my own career." He explained.

"Yep. JinBopGaming" I said smiling.

"So I heard that you have a boyfriend," he said, giving me a fake smile. He is not... He is.

"Well right now no. It's a long story he broke up with me and didn't mean to. Blah blah. But we are just friends for now." I said.

"Max broke up with you? He stupid for not keeping you." He exclaimed. I laughed a bit and shrugged.

"We both were in a tough situation." I said plainly.

"Well if I was him I would have never you go. You're the most beautiful human being I have ever saw." He said sweetly. I blushed and looked down at my hands.

"Then you haven't seen a lot of people." I said quietly.

"Stella. I've seen millions of people. Mostly girls. You are number 1. You are perfect." He said. I laughed a bit. He's trying to get in your pants you idiot. True. But hey I like this guy. He could be a nice friend. Yeah. Until Max throws you to the curb. Funny brain. Very funny.

"Stella? You okay?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah! It's just. Um. What you said was really sweet." I said.

"Well it's true." He said. I blushed and laughed. "You're cute when you blush." I blushed even harder and looked down. He lifted up my chin and smiled. He was so close to my face. I felt so bubbly inside. Did the bartender spike my drink? Jin leaned forward about to kiss me until someone flung him off. I blinked a couple times, reality hitting me on what just happened. I looked up and saw Max. He looked pissed. Oh shit. It's about to go down.

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