Girls Talk Boys (Song Preference) [Lashton]

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A/N - This is a FUCKING JAM. And I know, it's a really different sound, and some people may not like this as a 5sos song because it's not what they're used to. But even they had to admit, it's a bop lol xx

(Y/F/N) - Your Friend's Name (:

Ashton: When you're talking to your girls, do you talk about me? Do you say that I'm a sweetheart? Do you say that I'm a freak?

"And that's pretty much why I don't really wear it anymore." (Y/F/N) said which made you and your second friend laugh.

You were all lounging in your living room just talking the day away. Ashton wouldn't be home for another half and hour, so you decided to just invite some of your girls over.

"Not a bad reason at all. But wouldn't you at least want to wear lingerie sometimes just to make you feel confident?" you asked her.

"Mm mm. I feel confident in my body enough without it." she replied chuckling.

"Okay then." you told her with a giggle.

Your other friend chimed into the conversation more. "Well what about you Ms. (Y/N)?"

You turned her direction. "What about me?"

"Do you ever wear lingerie when you're with Ashton in bed?" she asked.

Your eyes widened a bit. "Ashton is a sweetheart." you simply said.

Your first friend exclaimed. "Yeah, so what?" This made your other friend laugh.

"He treats me amazing outside the bedroom, isn't that enough?" you asked them both.

"Yeah it should be." (Y/F/N) replied.

"Sure, but are you saying he doesn't spice up you sex life a bit?" your second friend asked.

"It's amazing for the both of us." You said. This conversation made you shift in your seat a bit, this was getting all kinds of sexual.

"She's just avoiding the question." one of your friends said to the other.

"Maybe she doesn't wanna admit her boyfriend is a freak." She replied.

"I'm still here, thank you." you cut in.

"Okay girl then why can't you just tell us?" one of your friends said.

"Alright damn. Yeah, I'll wear lingerie SOMETIMES, and yeah, Ash is pretty amazing when we have sex." you admitted with a sigh.

Your friends made cheering and "ooh" noises, just being childish but it made you laugh anyway.

"I mean, with his hands and fingers, anything is possible." you said smirking.

Your friends began to laugh but looked past you with dropped jaws and stifling their laughter.

You turned your head to see Ashton standing there, with a raised eyebrow, looking directly at you, and he readjusted his grip on the jacket in his hand before smirking a bit. You hadn't even heard him come in over your laughter.

Your eyes widened and your breath hitched in your throat. Ashton looked very hot, not that he wasn't already, but his tank top was clinging onto him tightly and his biceps looked phenomenal. His jaw was clenched and his hair was covering half his face, it was messy, but hot nevertheless.

"Yeah uh, we're gonna go, talk to you later (Y/N)." Your second friend said. "C'mon (Y/F/N)."

They both rushed past you and Ashton right through your door, shutting it behind them quietly.

"So princess" Ashton began, throwing his jacket on the sofa. "You're just fine with telling your friends what goes on in our bedroom hm?" he continued leaning his head down to your face.

You gulped and began to say something, but you couldn't really find the words. It was way easier to just gaze into your boyfriend's hazel, lusting eyes.

"You seem to have gone a bit wild baby, but it's alright. I'm gonna fuck this whole silly little confidence thing right out of you. Don't you worry." Ashton whispered.

Luke: Cause every night you and I find ourselves. Kissing and touching like no one else. Falling and falling until I fell for you.

Friends with benefits was the best way to say it.

You and Luke were friends, that would sometimes hook up with each other for the hell of it.

It started every once in a while but you started to find yourself ending up in each other's beds every night. But it was amazing.

Luke was an amazing lover, he never failed to satisfy you, and vice versa.

But it got to the point where you began to catch feelings, and how could you not? It's Luke, he's your friend so of course you care about him. But the way he caressed your skin, made your body ache with pleasure, and the way his lips latched onto your skin was too much and the incredible warmth of his body flushed up against yours was

"So you want to go out with me?" Luke asked from his seat at the wooden table you were also seated at.

You'd told Luke about your feelings, not being shy to tell him first. Women don't always have to wait for the man to make the first move.

You were both drinking beers, Luke halfway through his second one, and you about to finish your first.

"I guess, I don't know, I just know I don't want to us to just fuck each other anymore." You replied, shrugging and taking the final few sips of your beer.

Luke tapped the bottle in his hands. "Okay, so what do you think you want out of our relationship?"

You shrugged again. "Just something other than sex and friendship, you even want anything other than that?" you asked impatiently.

Luke took a sip of his beer. Clearing his throat before he started, Luke uttered "I mean I know I want you. A lot."

You sighed, but him saying that made your skin feel a bit hotter. "Luke that's not helping, you can't just say stuff like that."

"But I do want you, so much." Luke said as he began to get up from his seat and approach you.

This made you get up from your seat at the sudden closeness of Luke towards you.

"Luke, chill. I just want more than this okay?" you explained taking some steps back

He grabbed your hands and started tracing his way up your arms, leaving you hot and bothered a bit tbh. He brought his face down to yours and whispered against your lips.

"Oh I'm sure you do. But you don't want give this up do you baby? I know you love how I can make you feel: how I kiss every inch of your body, how I grip your hips and pull you against me, how I grind my hips into you do feverishly."

Your breath shuddered against his lips. Of course he wasn't gonna make it any easier.

But then, Luke pulled away.

"But I can't lie and say it wouldn't be nice to spend our time doing something else. So I'm cool with trying this 'relationship' thing if you want." Luke laughed and just left you with a raised eyebrow.

After some playful arguing, 'the friends with benefits' thing between you and Luke was a thing if the past, at least for now.


QOTD: What's your favorite part of the Girls Talk Boys music video?

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