Happy Birthday Michael

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Michael Gordon Clifford,

I don't even know where to start with you. You're just so phenominal. You've actually changed my life in ways neither of us can imagine. You are one of the reasons I'm still going, and you don't even know I exist. Michael, you are the essence of my pure joy and happiness. From your beautiful singing vocals to your goofy and loud antics, I will always be a supporter of you and whatever you decide to do. I can't really explain how you make me feel because realer words have never been spoken. But I can say that I didn't know I needed someone so much in my life until I discovered you. You cause the sparkle in my eye at the mention of your name, and I know it sounds cheesy but it's absolutely true. I really love how you've developed into such an amazing man but you still keep that playful persona. I love everything about your personality, especially your creativity. You've done so much for me and you can make me laugh when you don't even try. I can't believe you're 20 and my baby is growing up. However, I know the difference between a fan and a friend, so if I do ever get blessed with the chance to meet you, I would love to tell you all of this in person and so much more. Thank you for everything and I can't wait for you to help take 5 Seconds of Summer to the next level with your best friends. You have...awakened me.


Jmya <3

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