Your/His Favorite Clothing Item on Him/You

400 22 5

A/N - the item next to his name is your favorite thing on him and the item next to yours is his favorite thing on you to clarify :)

Luke: skinny jeans
You: snapback

Calum: beanie
You: knee socks

Michael: jean jacket
You: heels/black boots

Ashton: bandana
You: one of his shirts


Hello beautiful people. Not much to say today other than I hope you enjoyed this preference and I hope your day was lovely

QOTD: what's your ultimate lazy day outfit? Just an old t-shirt, comfortable shorts, knee socks and messy hair is good enough for me. Or a onesie lol.

5SOS Fam: Interracial PreferencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin