The First Day At School

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Hey everyone, i will be uploading 2 chapters so make sure you follow me and put this in your reading list! I have heard some pretty amazing comments on this so im pretty happy. Thankyou for 20+ reads!!! Thankyou to heyylucaya and littlexcarpenters for the continuation of support!!
Lets get started!!

Another new morning, in a new place. This time, I'm less enthusiastic. "School, Maya, lets go!" My mum called from the kitchen. I get dressed and grab my backpack. I fling my backpack on to my back then grab some toast of the dining table. I kiss my mum goodbye as she leaves for work and I leave for school. I walk past Riley's house but she isn't there today, she must already be at school. I keep walking alone, reading a art book of my phone. Then, I had to embarrass myself and run into a boy about my age.
" Im so sorry, I'm new here. " I said to the kid. " Oh don't worry,what school are you heading too?" The young boy asked. At this point, I'm weirded out by at the moment, I'm not getting bashed up for running into him. " John Quincy Adams Middle School, you?" I replied. He smiled then told me he went to that school. I'm a bit comfortable with him now. He asked if I wanted a lift but I don't really trust new people. Then, his dad walked out. " Are you sure?" He asked. But i was too in shock, " Your dad is Stuart Minkus, oh my gosh!" He just smiled and waved to his dad and walked with me. We have a great long conversation all the way to school. We get in school but he doesn't  head towards anybody so I follow him. " Where are you going, everyone is that way?" I asked. He just smiled at me and kept walking. Im terrified what he is going to bash me! " Here is where I sit, by the way Im Farkle and I always alone." He whispered to me. I felt really bad but I asked "I'm Maya, Are you going to bash me up because I ran into you?" He just frowned at me then patted for me to sit next to him on a small broken chair. "Maya, is it? You think about. Im a loner, no friends, smart, famous young boy, do you really think I would bash one of my first friends! He said. I just smiled. The bell then rang so we headed off to class, I had to collect my timetable at the office first. I head to the office and grab my timetable. My first class, History, Mr Matthews. I ran to the other side of the school where my first class was. Farkle was in there but there were no more seats next to him. I sat in front of him next to a chair of a sleeping brown haired girl. "Ok Class, todays lesson..., Riley wake up in your fathers class!" Mr Matthews called from the front of the room. Fathers, Fathers! Rileys father is our teacher. "Hi Riley, didnt know you went to this school!" I said in relief. "Yep, this is my father, Dad! Meet my friend Maya!" We both wave at each other and then move on to the work. Next, I had english, then science, then math and more.

It was two minutes until the home time. I rip so paper out of my book and write " Walk together" to Riley. She collects it and nods at me. I also sent one to Farkle. I sat with Farkle at lunch, I couldn't find Riley. The bell rang and they both ran to me. "Hi, lets go! Riley, is it ok if Farkle joins us?" She smiles and nods at me. We walk home together and chatted the whole time. I grew very fond of the both. We approached Riley's street. "Bye Riley" i said while Farkle waved. " So, Maya, where about do you live?" Farkle asked. "I don't know, but I know the directions to it!" I reply. He keeps walking past his house which is huge. Its not a house its a 50 story building with his house on top. "We walked past your house!" I said to Farkle. " Oh, I just wanna walk for a bit longer!" He replied. I just laugh and keep walking. We start walking down my street. We feel like we have own each other forever. We reach my house and he walks me up to my door. I smile while saying "Thank you." He smiled and then left back down the street. How is nobody friends with him, he is so sweet. I feel very weird at the moment like I have butterflies and stuff like that. I could just be hungry so I head to the fridge to find a ham sandwich with a note.
Hey Maya, here is a sandwich from work. By the way, I work at a cafe down the street. The owner is really sweet and has a daughter Riley about your age. I will be home at about 7:00pm with dinner. Love you!
Mum works with Riley's mum. Thats so weird. I eat the sandwich and it was so delicious. What a small world. Im friends with Stuart Minkus's son and my mums bosses daughter. I sit down and watch tv. Eventually, mum came home with a carton of chips and a chicken burger. We ate our dinner then talked about our day. I told her about how im already friends with Riley and how I was at that cafe yesterday. She was amazed at how small the world is. Then, I told her the big news of me being friends with Stuart Minkus's son Farkle. She messed around with me making kissing sounds but I knew she was just joking. We watched tv until 11:00pm when we both went to sleep. I had a really good day and hopefully I will get Farkles number tomorrow.

Hey everyone, do you like this book so far. Im finding it really fun to write. I will update the next chapter later today xx Why did Maya have butterflies? Comment what you think below. Love you all, thanks for all the support!!
- Ella💕

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