School the next day

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Hey, enjoy this xx

I wake up at 5:00am keen to talk to Farkle today. I got dressed in nice black jeans and a shirt I made. It had the picture of a bay window with the moon and stars out the window. I put a leather jacket over the top. I packed my school bag with my math book. I also took a sketch pad. I came out and made some scrambled eggs. My mum woke up to the smell and came to check on me. I served up two bowls of scrambled eggs, one for her and one for me. We talked over breakfast and I told her about how Farkle's uncle was my teacher. I told her about Farkle knowing about my past and she was happy I told him. By the time we finished talking, it was 7:30. I decided to walk to Farkles for the rest of the morning. I walked down the street and went up all the stairs. I reached the top and used a buzzer to say I was here. He answered back for me to come in. I came up and opened the door. "Farkle, your house is amazing!" I said. He just smiled and brought me to a big room with a curtain over the wall. He grabbed the curtain and pushed it away. On the wall, is the painting we made with the bay window and us. He then dragged me to his bedroom where there was a sketchbook. The sketchbook had a very good cartoon drawing of us sitting at the window. I looked harder and it looked familiar. I flipped to the front of the sketchbook and it said "Maya Hart" in my writing. I then worked out it was my book. He flipped through it and on every page there was something to do with our relationship. He asked if I could finish of the book with all things relating to our relationship and he said he would cherish it forever. I smiled and nodded as I placed it in my school bag with the other sketch book. He grabbed his school bag then took me to the top story of the building. He asked me to lay flat on my back and look at the roof. He stood next to a switch as I laid down. I reached
the ground and he flipped the switch a planetarium was glowing on the roof then he pressed a button and the roof opened up so we could see the sun in the real sky. He grabbed my hand then kissed me on the cheek. I grabbed my sketch book and we started drawing what I could see. I finished my drawing then we checked the time. We are late to pick up Riley so we ran down the street. Riley was waiting outside for us. We all started walking to school and I showed Riley my drawing. She was amazed. She knew I was talented but she didn't know I could do that. She pulled out a piece of paper in her bag and started drawing on it. She drew a purple cat and I laughed. She giggled to and we kept walking. Farkle held my hand the whole way to school. When we reached school, the bell rang straight away. We headed straight to class which was math. Farkle and I walked to his math class as he handed a pink note to his teacher. He will be doing a tutoring session with me every math lesson. So his teacher dismissed him, but called me in. "Maya, he is a very smart kid, please don't do anything to him." Mrs. Caltron said. She said it like I was still as bad as I was when I was younger. "He's my boyfriend, he keeps me tame!" I shouted as walked out of the room. She just rolled her eyes. Farkle and I headed off to the art room. He covered my eyes when we were nearly at the room. Farkle guided me to the room and then uncovered my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw a curtain. Another mysterious curtain today, wow. I walk over and pull the curtain away and I saw an amazing wall art with purple cats and stars. There was a signature at the bottom. It said "To our beautiful, strong Maya Hart, from Riley and Farkle with help from Mr.Samuels (an art teacher)." I teared up for the third time today. He picked me up and span me around. I heard a scream from up the hall. It was Riley running down to help surprise me. She hugged me then pointed to what she did. The art also said "Mayas Art/Relax Space!" I was curious to see why it said that. Then Riley called out for Mr. Samuels. I was very confused. He came in very fast and then sat me down on a beautiful, new chair. "Maya Hart, Farkle and Riley decided to donate this room to you because it isn't used anymore so they would like you to do your art, studies and relaxing in here. The also think it will help keep you relaxed so you don't turn, you know like you were. " Mr.Samuels said. I giggled and I felt amazing that I have friends who do this for me. "Thank you sir" I answered in excitement. Riley headed back to her class and so did Mr.Samuels. It was just Farkle and I now. He helped me with some math work and I helped him with some art. We had a lot of fun. After that period, we had history together. We headed to history where we met Riley. We sit in our spots and talk about how amazing my new room is. Mr.Mathews finally arrived so we got started. "Belgium 1981" screamed Farkle from behind me. I just giggled and turned to him. Mr.Mathews started talking about the secret of life so Farkle bashed his head on the desk and screamed. I laughed then focused back on class. We had a good lesson then the bell rang. We went on the rest of the day having fun and talking about how we love each other so much. We finish our last period of school and we meet in our spot. We start walking together when Lucas ran over to Riley. He pulled a small box out of his pocket. It was a beautiful necklace with a 'R' tangled in with an 'L'. She smiled then hugged him. The kissed then we all started walking. Lucas walked with us because he wanted to spend the afternoon with Riley. Riley and Lucas went home together and Farkle and I went to our separate homes. I thought about him all night until I went to bed. My mum came home from work and cooked some spaghetti. We watched tv then went to bed really late. I told her about my art room at school. She was amazed. I love my new school and new friends. I said "Goodnight" then headed of to bed. Farkle messaged me a goodnight message so I Messaged something sweet back. Goodnight

Hey, enjoy xx i hope you like it xx

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