Farkles Comes Over

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I sit on the lounge in silence, anxious for his arrival. I hear a slight knock on the door. Its Farkle! I run to the door and let him in. He is wearing a nice pair of black jeans with a black hoodie. I smile at him as he enters. We both look very nervous but excited to be alone together. We walk into my bedroom on my bed in silence. He then starts looking out my window. Im curious of why he is interested in my window. " Maya, you have a beautiful view out your window! Its a lot better than mine!" He said. I smiled but wondered by how he is so fascinated about my window. I asked him why he loved it so much. He replied with " You have people walk right past, all I see are people as small as ants." I explained to him how I know nearly everyone outside that window and how they talk to me as they walk past. He loved that they talked to me because he has never experienced that at his house. We felt very confident at the window, like we talk all night. The sun started to go down so we watched the sun go down together. His hand was next to mine on the window sill. I slide it over onto his and smiled at him. He smiled back and moved closer. Our shoulders were touching softly. We watched the sun disappear and the stars arrive in the sky. We both look to our left. The moon shining bright is there he puts his arm around me softly. He learnt into me slowly. Then, we heard the front door open. He moved back up straight very quickly.my mum called out that she was home so I answered that we have visitors. She knocked on my door and came in. He was nervous she would be angry with him holding my hand so he hid behind me shyly. My mum just smiled and said " I will go make some dinner, would you like to join us young man?" He came out from behind me and answered with " Yes please Ms Hart,only if it isn't a hassle. " My mum smiled then walked out to the kitchen shutting my bedroom door behind her. He sat at my window sill with me until dinner. We had Roast beef and veggies. He is very polite and caring for me. When we were called out for dinner, he opened my door for me and pulled out a chair for me. I was delighted and I smiled at him as I sat in the chair. We ate dinner while my mother talked about her new job. I then talked about how his dad is Mr. Minkus and how he is very smart. He started blushing then talked about how sweet and kind I am. I felt something inside me that I haven't felt before. I felt intense blushing and butterflies in my stomach. It got to 7:00pm so he had to head home. I walked him outside where we hugged and held hands. He then started walking down the street home. I smiled and waved. My mum hugged me whiles winking. I knew she was happy I found a nice group of friends. Mum and I then left back inside to talk about what had happened. She was making kissing noises and making fun of us. We watched tv and talked about how polite he is until 10:00. At 10pm, we went to bed ready for the next day at school and work.

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