Maya, Are you ok?

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Oooohhh whats happened?!?! Read more to find out. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Its a new morning! I missed Farkle last night. I got dressed into my jeans and rolling stones shirt. I grabbed my bag and grabbed an apple on my way out. I was in a good mood today and I couldn't wait to see Farkle. As I was walking down the street, a few young boys came out from behind an alley way with their girlfriends. They started walking towards me. "Hey girl, hows your wimpy boyfriend Farkle" said one of the boys. I was angry that they called him wimpy but I just kept walking. Another boy grabbed my bag and pulled me back saying " don't walk off when my friend is speaking!" I grabbed his arm and pushed up against a tree. Oh no, bad Maya is back but I have to defend myself. I pinned him to the tree and whispered to him " Farkle is not wimpy, and if you dare touch me again watch out". He smiled then the rest of the group walked over and pushed me over. I got up and started to fight back. I was beaten to the ground until I was laying down in pain, dizzy and nearly unconscious. They walked away with no care in the world about me. I heard my phone buzz and it was Farkle. He messaged to ask where I was because i wasn't at his house. I tried to grab my phone but I was in too much pain. He then messaged to say he is coming over now. My eyes made everything look blurry and dark until I passed out. Farkle saw me and ran to me screaming my name. He shook me to try and wake me up but it didn't work. He carried me and my stuff back to my house. He used my phone to call someone but he wasn't sure what to do so he called my mum. My mum didn't answer the phone so he started to panic. He then called Riley, luckily she answered. " Hey Maya, where are you? Are you ok?" she said. Farkle started telling Riley that I was unconscious until I woke up. I grabbed his hand and started crying. He told Riley what was happening while making sure I was ok. Riley yelled for her mum then they came over to help. Riley and her mum finally arrived while I was laying in my bed with a glass of water and an ice pack on my head. Riley's mum Topanga checked if my pulse was ok. It was as fast as a horse galloping. She told Riley to call my mum and say that we are going to hospital. I started crying even more because of the pain I was in. Farkle called the hospital and told them we were on our way. I was placed in Topangas car next to Riley. She told Farkle to hop in too because she couldn't leave him alone at my house. We all headed to the hospital. My eyes cleared up and everything looked kinda normal again. I tried to speak but it disnt work for a while. I finally was able to speak when we were nearly at the hospital. "I was bashed to the ground by a group of boys because I tried to defend Farkle, they said he was wimpy and I tried to fight back but I couldn't." I said with a stutter. Riley and Farkle began to hug me and I felt a tear roll down my shoulder. I looked up and Farkle was crying. " Its all my fault, I shouldn't have let you walk the streets alone, you tried to defend me, I'm sorry Maya" he said. We held hands and hugged. He than realised a cut in my head with some blond coming out. He told Topanga but we had just reached the hospital. Some nurses came running out with a bed and started to place me on. Topanga told Riley and Farkle to wait together for my mum. Topanga followed us into a room. A doctor started to examine me to see if I needed stitches until he saw my head. He started to dab it with some tissue to clear up the blood. I screamed in pain. Farkle heard me from down the hall and knew it was me. He began to cry again. My mum arrived at the door and Riley ran to her with Farkle. My mum hugged them as they walked in. I saw mum standing there but I blacked out again. The doctor attached me to a few machines to keep me breathing. He sat my mum next to me along with my friends and Topanga. My mum started to cry because she hated seeing me in pain. Topanga comforted her. "I should've drove her to school, what happened" mum cried. Farkle told her what happened and they all held my hand. I didn't wake up for a while so the doctor decided it was a good time to stitch my wound on my head. He told everyone that I might be there for a while because I was beaten so much that I would badly bruise and that I might struggle to breath. Mum called school and told them that we are all together. She then took Farkle and Riley to school. My mum stayed for a while until the doctor asked her if she would like to go home and get a few things for me like my phone and clothes. I laid in that bed passed out all day but I was still managing to breath and keep my heart rate up. I started to see something, it was a shadow of someone. It actually looked like a few people sitting in chairs asleep. I was very confused. I woke up and saw Farkle asleep next to me and Riley on the floor asleep. I sat up and saw my phone on charge next to me and a few outfits. Lucas was there too, on the floor with Riley. I looked at the time and it was 1:23am. Farkle felt me move and woke up. He looked like he had been crying for hours. He woke up my mum who was next to him in a chair. "Maya, how are you feeling?" I heard a strange voice say. I haven't heard that voice before. It was a nurse that my mum had called in. She checked my heart rate then helped me sit up properly. She told me about how long I was asleep for and how I have stitches in my head. Mum held my hand and whispered "I'm sorry". I smile and held her hand tighter while answering "its not anyones fault, I'm ok". I called Farkle over to the side of my bed. "F-Farkle, all I can think about is the bay window and us sitting there watching the stars. Id like to do that now!" I said. He smiled and looked at my mum then the nurse. The nurse helped me to edge of the bed. I went to stand up but I fell to the ground. The nurse reached down and lifted me back to the bed. I slammed myself backward and screamed "why cant I walk?!" The nurse just looked at me in fear and confusion. A doctor came running in to see what was wrong. I told him what happened and he smiled. "Maya, I'm glad your awake, you just woke up, your brain isn't sending messages very well to the bottom half of your body. If you want to sit at the window we will carry you over and if you want to go down the hall with Farkle to the big window, we will put you in a wheelchair." He said. "Ok, can we please go to the big window? Also, will I be able to walk soon?" I asked. He nodded yes and then pulled out a wheelchair from the corner. I slipped down off my bed into the wheelchair and was pushed out by Farkle. We went down the long hall and sat at the window. We talked for a while and he told me all about how bad he feels. I told him about how it isn't his fault. We then talked about other stuff before the nurse called for us to come back. We went back into the room at 2:34am for me to get some rest. However, I wasn't tired. Farkle and I stayed up on my bed and played on my phone. The nurse told us it was ok to do that as long as I was doing fine health wise which I was. She wasn't too worried about me. Topanga, Riley, Lucas and Mum in that time went back to bed after asking if I was ok. I don't think Im ever going to walk anymore by myself. I laid down with Farkle in my hospital bed and held his hand. We fell asleep together. I woke up at 10am the next day. Riley and Lucas were at school and Topanga was at work. It was just Mum and Farkle with me. I sat up and Farkle woke up. He smiled and sat up with me. I would skip a million days of school to make sure your ok and happy. I smiled and squeezed him tightly. We spent the rest of the day in the hospital together, eating and sleeping.

Oh no, Poor Maya! Comment below your thoughts xx next chapter coming soon xx

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