Newly Turned (Simon x Reader) Imagine

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"Where are we going with the body Raphael?" You asked your older brother. He was holding a young boy in his hands usual if something like this happened he was just get rid of the body and just forget about it. So why was this different?

"We're going to the New York institute, this is one of the shadowhunters best friend." He stated as he continue walking.

"You're bringing him back dead, wow Raphael what a good idea this is" You said sarcastically. Maybe your brother wasn't as smart as you thought.

"I'm bringing him back so they can pick what to do with him. They will choose if he will become one of us or stay dead."

"I don't get you but it they hurt one of us I'm going to kill you" You said while pulling ahead of him.

"Can't kill someone that already dead sis" Raphael said with a smirk.

"Shut up, you know what I mean"

"What do we do now?" you questioned. You and Raphael were standing outside the institute, he was still holding the boy.

"We wait, they will come out once there alarm goes off stating that a downworlder is here"

"How do you know so much?"

"How do you not?" You kept your mouth shut, as a vampire you should know all of these things but you didn't bother to learn which will cost you one of these days. Soon the big doors in front of you open and four people came running out, three with swords and one with a brow and arrows. As they got closer the redhead notice the boy and fell to her knees crying "SIMON" she screamed as she hit the ground. The boys slowly walked up to you and your brother while the other girl comforted the redhead.

"You broke the accords" The blonde said.

"How stupid do you think we are? Do you really think that we would bring a mundane that we killed here. Like really" You said

"Who killed him then Raphael?" The older boy asked not even paying attention to you.

"Camille broke them Alec, The moment I found out I came here with the boy before time was up"

"Time up for what?" The redhead asked as she got up from the ground getting closer to you guys.

"Before he's really dead" You told her "Right now you still have a choice if you want him to become one of us or stay dead"


"We like the term vampire better" You said as Raphael nudge you in the side, warning you to keep your comments to yourself.

"You have to make the choice now, I'm sorry but we almost of time here" Raphael spoke.

"Make her chose Jace" Alec said to the blonde one. "Now before anyone sees us and them"

You should have known that the girl was going to be bringing the boy or Simon as they call him back. The right thing to do to you would have been to keep him dead because being a vampire is awful and that's coming from one. Some times you wish you were gone, so now that this girl was going to make this young boy go through the hell of being a vampire annoyed you. It's not like she knows but she was warned by your brother that Simon could hate her when he wakes. He wasn't going to be the same person he was. That's what led you to where you were now in a graveyard. You and Clary just stood there watching as Raphael and Jace filled the grave over with dirt.

"What do we do now?" Clary asked your brother as Jace shovelled the last pile of dirt over Simon grave.

"We wait" You said answering for your brother. He gave you a small nod and walked up to stand by you two with Jace following behind.

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