Do you love me anymore? (Alec x Reader)

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You stood there watching Alec as he talked to Lydia, for what felt like the hundred time today. Every time you try to talk to him he would tell you he was busy and that he would see you later when you guys did a mission together later that night. But what was so important that he was only talking to Lydia and no one else? As far as you knew nothing big was going on with The Clave. It just didn't make any sense. Your watched buzz as a reminder to go train with Jace, so you took one last look at the pair and turned away.

"What's gotten into you today?" Jace said as he stood over you. You were laying on the matt trying to catch your breath as Jace knocked you over moments before for the fourth time today. By look on Jace's face he could tell there was something wrong. You were never this bad at training with him. You guys had the same skill level and everyone knew that but today you couldn't focus. All you could think about was Alec. You jumped up and told him "There's nothing to worry about Jace maybe I'm just having an off day." You didn't want to say anything to him knowing that you were probably just being over dramatic. "I'll be better tomorrow, Don't worry about it. I got to go now and get ready, so I'll catch you after." You said as packed your things and left.

"Y/N" Someone shouted behind you, so you turned around. It was Izzy.
"Thank god Izzy, I've been waiting on Alec to show up. Do you know when he's coming?" You asked her as she got closer.
"That's what I'm here about, Alec can't go so I had to fill in" She told you.
"Oh" was all you said. You were disappoint that Alec couldn't go, you figured it was something to do why he's been talking to Lydia a lot lately.
"Come on then, lets go" Izzy said grabbing your arm and pulling you with her. Maybe this night wouldn't be to bad after all.

"See you later" You yelled down to Izzy as you both walked into your rooms. You jumped back as soon as you walked into the room not excepting Alec to be stood in the middle.
"Hey what are you doing here?" You asked as you finally walked in laying your bag to the side.
"We need to talk" Alec said as he stood looking serious with his arms crossed.
"Sure but can it wait? I need a shower after this mission" You told him as you started to walk to the bathroom.
"No it can't" He said grabbing your arm, stopping you making you turned to look at him.
"Why not? It's not a big deal that you couldn't go on the mission" Even thou that was a lie, you were mad at him that he couldn't go, more importantly that he didn't tell you. You were just standing by yourself until Izzy showed up.
"Do you still love me?" Alec questioned you.
"What? Why would you ask me that? I wouldn't be with you if I didn't" You just look at Alec blankly. He stepped away from you, you went to step closer but he put his arm out stopping you.
"This is going to be harder then I thought then" Alec told you. You gasp, you knew what was about to happen. He was about to break your heart.
"I umm I" Alec started to stutter before he took a breath and started to speak again.
"I think we need to break up"
"I thought you loved me?" You asked with tear building up in your eyes. Alec looked away, he didn't want to see you cry because of him.
"I don't anymore, I'm sorry"
"YOUR SORRY?" You yelled, Alec filched back "You just broke my heart into a millions pieces and all you can say is sorry" Your voice breaking.
"I'm so-" He went to say but you stopped him
"Don't say it again" You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down, "Just get out of my room please" You said closing your eyes trying not to break down. Alec just nodded and started to make his way out.
"Wait" You whisper, Alec just barely able to hear you. He stopped but didn't turn around.
"It's Lydia isn't it?" You asked not really wanting to know the truth. Alec stood silence for a moment, he didn't know what to say so he just left. As he shut the door, you broke down into tears knowing that the man you loved was about to walked into someone else's arms. He didn't love you anymore and you wonder how long had you been living a lie.

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