Chapter 15: A Promise in a Nightmare

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Hola peeps! I'm back from my grave XD. But don't worry I'm not really dead ...... yet.

Pacifica's POV

I felt the ray of the sun hit my face which made my eyes open.

"Ugh.... Its already morning?" I said to myself.

I stared at the ceiling and then I remembered the night Dipper and I spend.

I never thought I'll have a great time with Dipper especially on our first date!

Well, thinking of Dipper, I look at the side of the bed where Dipper was laying and there's no sign of Dipper.

"Hmmm... I think he's on the kitchen or in the bathroom" I said to myself.

///6 minutes later///

Its already 6 minutes and Dipper still hasn't show himself. Its not I'm paranoid or something its just.... its still 6:30 in the morning and Mabel said to me that he usually getting up late.

"Dipper....?" I slightly shout. No response.

"Dipper, are you there?" still no response.

Now I'm both nervous and worried.

I quickly stand and go as fast as I can to the twins' room. I knock the door and no one answered. I twist the knob and the door opened which made me surprised.

"How come its open if its locked last night???" I confusedly said. I enter their room to search if Dipper and/or Mabel is here. I first look on their room but no one is there.

I then scan all over the room and no Dipper or Mabel

"Dipper...? Mabel....?" No response.

I then heard a faint sound of police siren... wait.... WHAT?!

I immediately leave the room and go straight outside the hotel.


I saw Dipper, Mabel, and Sebastian inside the police car screaming something.

Then I just realized.... they're screaming 'Get away' 'Run' and 'He already found us'.

"I'm happy to see you safe... Pacifica..." wait that voice...

I slowly turn around and saw father standing in front of me with a devilish smile on his face.

"H-how?!" I nervously shout at him.

"It doesn't matter... the good thing is we found you safe from this criminals" he then point at  the twins and my butler.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CRIMINALS?!" I angrily shouted at him.

"They kidnapped you! And I am dead worried for Pete's sake!"

I know that he's lying and just acting.

I was about to approach him and kick his ball but one of father's guards hold me.

"Hey! Let her go!"

"Put him down!!" I heard them shout.

"You criminals should shut up..."

"You're the one who should shut your mo-HEY!!!" I was cut off when the guard starts pulling me closer to father's car.

"HEY! LET ME GO!!!" I try to escape the grip of the guy but he's too strong.

He then push me inside the car and locked it.

I look at the window and saw the police let Mabel and Sebastian go but Dipper was still in the car. And then the car starts to move.

"Where the heck you'll take him?!"

"Away from you..."


"I can..."

I close my eyes and think this isn't happening. Then all of a sudden I heard a familiar voice.




"PACIFICA!!!" I open my eyes and saw Dipper looking at me very worried.

So its only a dream...

"Are you okay?"

I nod at him to respond.

"You sure?"

"Yeah... just a bad dream..." I said.

"A dream or a nightmare?" I look at him confused.

"I heard you screaming, panting, and sweating so I wake you up...."


"No problem... but can you tell me what's your dream is?"


///After 3 minutes of explaining///

"I see..."

"Because of that dream... I'm now scared for you... and for us..."

"Hey... I fought many monsters and a demon... what else I can't do?" I weakly smile at him.

"Don't worry... I'll protect you and also Mabel from Mr Northwest..."


"Promise." he then hugged me.

"Thanks you..."

"For my one and only girlfriend... I'm here for you"

"Hahaha... silly..."

"What's wrong from what I said?"

"Hehehehehe.... I'm still not used from the way you talk right now..."

"Oh I see..."

I just chuckled at him and kiss him on the lips.

"A price for comforting me today..."


"Hahahahahahaha! Well... I'll take a shower first"


He's adorable when he's speechless and shocked.

|||A/N: Yeah I know Imma jerk for not updating. And I'm sorry for the crappy chapter... I ran out of ideas... but anyways I HOPE y'all like this chapter...|||

~Obo out.

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