Chapter 21: Unforeseen

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|||A/N: This chapter is very short. I'm sorry 😢|||

Pacifica's POV

I feel something fishy around here. Like there's something wrong....

I snap myself to reality,  there is no time for thinking those negative things.

We need to get out of here.

Mabel tapped my shoulder and gave me a sincere smile,  she probably notice me on a deep thought. I also gave her a slight fake smile,  I'm kinda nervous in our situation.

As we slowly walk toward the door, I heard weird sounds behind it.

"Guys, you hear something?" I asked.

"Except from our footsteps, the wind, and the police siren, there's nothing weird" Mabel said.

Did she said, police siren?!

"Police siren?!" we whispered/shouted.

"Ugh, yeah?" she innocently agreed.

"Okay, there is a change of plan..." Dipper said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Let's.... find a safe room in this motel"

"B-but..." I was about demand when the main door creaked.
"Oh no, we don't have much time to think"

We all run away from the entrance.

"We need to split" Mabel suggest.

"That would be a bad idea Mabel. I mean, they can easily catch us" I said.

"So what should we do, genius?" Mabel said sarcastically.

"Hide until they left"

"But when they could even leave? They probably know we're here" I sat on the floor and tears flow from my eyes.

"I'm sorry guys. I put you really guys far from the worst. This is all my fault.... This would probably the end of our efforts" I continued.

"Paz... " Dipper mumbled.

"What?" I said in grief.

"Don't think of something like that, I mean, we already made this quite so far. We can escape this situation" he said.

"I don't think so... "

"Pacifica, don't cha worry! We're still here! Which means we can escape! Like I'm still here, bro-bro, you and your butler!" Mabel said.

"You're right... " I said in gladness and gave them a little smile.

"Now that's the smile I'm waiting for! " she cheerfully said.

"Hahaha.... Back to the topic, probably Sebastian knew the exits in every corner of this motel... He's the one who planned our date... Hey Sebas-" Dipper suddenly stopped talking. Worry filled our eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mabel asked.

"H-he's not here... "


"Sebastian is not with us anymore! " our eyes widen.

"H-how come?! He's like with us all the time... I think?" Mabel said.

"That's why he's not even spoke any word... " I said.

That's why I felt something wrong.

"But I don't think he lose track from us. Knowing him, he probably went somewhere"

"I'm sorry if I got all of you worried" we look behind at us, and we saw my butler.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay, we thought you'd left or something " I said in relief.

"That would be kinda accurate" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't bother it... I found the exit" he said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Mabel cheered.

All of us followed my butler from the exit.

As I look around, the place has a weird aura and like someone is watching.

I stepped backwards to whispered something at the twins.

"Uhhhh guys, can you feel something? " I asked them.

"What do you mean?" they asked.

"I don't know... It's like I'm having goose bumps since my butler camr back"

Dipper tapped my shoulder and look at me with a smile.

"Don't worry, this will be over... "He said.

"Isn't?" I snapped, that kinda shocked him.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it"

"Heh, its okay, no harm" he said.

"It's over, isn't? Isn't? Is it over?" Mabel suddenly said... Or asked?

"Mabel, just what the hedge?" Dipper said in annoyance.

"What? Is it bad to sing? Well, here comes a thought, you don't sing after all, uuuhhhmm aI mean horrible singer" Mabel teased.

"Mabel.... " hahahaha, Dipper said while blushing.

"What? What can I do, for you? If you want to learn how to sing, just ask your girlfriend... Hehehehe" Mabel teased again.

But this time, I blushed and Dipper and I looked at each other in embarrassment.

"Mabel just stop it, not all the time you can do anything" Dipper ordered her.

"And why? Is there something I can't do?"

"Of course that I can't count it"

"Well if you think we can't, we'll always find a way" she answered. Those sentence are kinda familiar.

"We?" Dipper confusingly asked. I just only chuckled, Mabel is freaking annoying yet hilarious at the same time.

It's time to break it, "that's why the people of this world, believing(?)" I continued.

"Paz, you know that?!" She definitely schocked.

"Of course" I said with a wink.

"Let's talk about something, after we get out" Mabel said.

I looked at Dipper and he's staring at us, very confused.

"I don't think so" the butler suddenly said.

"What's with the cold tone Sebastian? If you're worried, its okay we can definitely escape! " Mabel cheered.

"I'm sorry" Sebastian apologize.

"What's with the sorry? " we said in chorus.

"Do you think, you can escape from me again? Huh, Pacifica Elise Northwest?" A familiar voice said.

"Hide and seek is now done, it's already the dead end. There's no game I can't win. And nothing and no one can escape from my grasp of wrath. No more games to play with. It's game over"

All of us slowly looked behind.

"Miss me? Do you think a nasty plan can stop me? " he asked teasingly.

All of us stayed silent. With the mixture of fear and anger.

|||A/N: Hey ppl! Its been 123456789876543210 years! I'm sorry for the very very fast update. And I'm running out of ideas!! Help me out!
Btw, do you guys notice weird at this chapter? Comment it down!

Question:Who is this 'familiar voice'? Comment it now!

And of course, don't forget to vote 😉. See y'all again on the next chapter. Ba-bye! |||

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