Birthday Bash

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After my home visit from Harry, I agreed to work his birthday party. This way, I could show him my maturity at a black tie event and how I could act around his colleagues and friends. Of course to them I'd been see only as the nanny but hopefully he'll see me as more.

Harry had sent a car to pick me up and I was too meet him and his family at the event. I clutched my invitation in hand as I pulled up. The party was at the country club Harry belongs to.

I took a deep breath. The driver came around and opened the door for me. I saw Melanie at the front door.
"Hello Mrs.Styles, how are you?" I said, trying my best to be civil.
"Yes hello, whatever, the kids are in the ballroom with Harry. Please leave me alone I need to focus on the actual important people." She said, waving her hand. I scoffed and pushed past her.

I followed the flow of people to the ballroom. When I entered I saw many people mingling around the room with drinks in hand. The waiters were walking around with plates of appetizers. I looked around a bit before finally finding Harry and the kids. The kids were dancing around and Harry was talking to some guests. Jake was wearing a real suit. 

"It's Justice Jake!" I said, coming up behind the boy, sweeping him off his feet. He giggled and put out his arms like he was flying. 

"Shhh!" He giggled as i let him down, " I'm undercover!" He said softly, looking around to make sure no one had found out his identity. 

"Oh!" I nodded. I pretended to be very cautious. "I won't tell a soul!" I said. I felt a tug on my dress and was greeted by Darcy. I picked her up and wrapped her in my arms. 

"Why don't you look pretty tonight Darcy!" I twirled her around. "What a beautiful dress!" I oohed. "You must be a princess! You look like one!" I said, swaying back and forth. I felt a hand on my lower back. I turned to see Harry standing in front of me. He looked even better up close.

"She does look like a princess doesn't she!" Harry agreed. Darcy giggled. 

"But you look like a queen." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. 

I took the kids to the other side of the ballroom and spent the night dancing and playing with them. After a while, the both of them were passed out on the couch at the back of the huge room, all partied out.  I sat next to them, rubbing their backs and watching Harry with his guests. He would look towards me every couple minutes, not paying attention to the conversation he was partaking in. Suddenly, a dark figure stepped infront of my line of sight. I looked up and locked eyes with a stunning man. Not as stunning as Harry of course, but holy shït, this guy was hot. 


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"Hi." He said plainly.

"Hello." I responded, keeping my voice soft, cautious of the children. 

"I couldn't help but notice that the most beautiful woman here was alone." He looked me up and down. I couldn't help but blush at the compliment. 

"Hardly. The woman here are gorgeous." I stated.

"None of them really compare to you..." He responded, asking for my name.

"Samantha." I responded. 

"Beautiful."he repeated. "I'm Mark." he said, extending his hand. I took it gingerly and shook. "Would you like to dance?" He asked. And I did, but I looked back at Darcy and Jake, wondering if this was ok, but just like he read my mind he said. "I don't think they'll mind."

So I took his arm and he led me onto the dance floor, which was littered with couples swaying to the song, which was oddly appropriate. Sam Smith's 'I'm Not The Only One' rang in my ears as I placed my hands on Mark's shoulders. Mark's hands lingered at the bottom of my spine. I scanned the room for Harry, and found him at the bar, standing near his wife with a scotch in his hand, watching me closely, furry in his eyes. Melanie was talking to a crowd of people, completely unaware of her husband's presence. And in this moment, I finally realized my power. The power I had over Harry. Here we were at his birthday party and he can't take his eyes of me. I smile to myself and then look away, burying my face into Mark's shoulder. 

"So how do you know the Styles'?" Mark asked, swaying to the music. I smiled and let out a laugh. 
"I'm their nanny." I responded. 
"Ah, so that's why you were with Darcy and Jake. Very nice. Where are you going to college? What do you want to do?" 
"I'm going to Stanford. And I want to be an artist." i said, suddenly thinking about my future.

"That's wonderful, god you're sexier than most woman my age." He sighed. I giggled. "Spin." He ordered, and i twirled through the air. 

 Now Mark's face was inches from mine but all I could think about was Harry, and just like that, someone tapped Mark's shoulder. 

"Can I cut in, Mark?" Harry asked, kindly but sternly.

"Hey! Anything for my brother-in-law!" Mark said laughing. Holy shït. That was Melanie's brother. Mark leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Samantha." He said, and then walked away. 

I took the same position with Harry, although his hands were noticeably higher than where Mark's had been. 

'When I Look At You' By  Miley Cyrus began playing and we moved to the music. This felt so different from the way it felt with Mark, with Harry, it felt right. 

"Are you trying to rip me apart?" He whispered into my ear, his lips grazing them as she spoke. 

"What do you mean?" I teased. 

"You show up in this dress, you look like something out of the fairytales I read to Darcy. I mean holy hell, Sam. And then you get that close to my brother-in-law? And you don't pay any attention to me? I nearly strangled him for fučk's sake." He spoke softly. 

"I didn't think you'd mind, you were with melanie." I responded, looking up into his eyes. 

"I'm not in love with melanie." He stated. And that was it. I knew I was so far gone for this man, my employer. I was about to rest my head on his shoulder when Melanie's shrill voice rang throughout the room.

"Time for cake everyone!"

Harry gave me an apologetic look and then walked towards the middle of the room. I sat with the still sleeping children as Harry's friends and Melanie's family sang to him. I felt horrible that his family had to stay in England but what could I do. 

"Make a wIsh!" I heard melanie say, and Harry looked right at me for a moment, and blew.


Ok i swear these will get longer I PROOMISE 

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