Jealousy is a bitch

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It was about 1AM when Melanie got home. She was talking on the phone. 

"I couldn't believe it either! He was like a new man!" She paused. "Yes it was right after his birthday party." Then she saw me. "Hold on, Cheryl, the nanny is waiting for her pay." Melanie set her phone down on the counter and threw a hundred dollar bill at me, motioning for me to leave, but what I had just heard had me glued in place. "I'm back......YES! It was that dirty.....the kids? They were at my mom's house for the weekend...Hold on cheryl I swear my nanny is dense." Melanie finally payed attention to me. 

"Well?" She asked, and all I could manage was to shake my head. "Then leave!" She ordered, picking her phone back up. 

I grabbed my purse and made my way to the front hall, but I took my time tying my shoes. 

"We did it on the kitchen counter and then we moved to the bedroom and then we went for another round in the shower. He ate me out 2 times! God it was so sexy! He even handcuffed me!"

I couldn't believe my ears. But maybe she wasn't talking about harry. Maybe it was someone else. 

"I think I finally have my Harry back!" she said. And my heart dropped. 

I got into my car so fast and didn't even think about where I was going. I still had a boyfriend. I was going to Tyler's.

At a red light, my phone vibrated. 

From: Harry!!!

hey love, has mel come home? what're you doing?

And before I could stop myself, I found myself responding. 

To: Harry!!! 

Yes, melanie came home alright. And what am I doing? Well I'm about to have sex. 

I pressed send. My phone vibrated a second later but I waited until the stoplight to look at it. 

From: Harry!!

What the fuck? I can't come over right now :( soz

GOD. This guy was such a dick. 

To: Harry

No, Dr. Styles, not with you, with my boyfriend. Were gonna have sex on the kitchen counter, on the bed, and even in the shower!!!!!!!! Hopefully he'll eat me out...twice!!!xxxx

And I sent that one. 

Not a minute later my phone was ringing. I picked it up.


"Sam what the hell is going on?" 

"Sorry, who is this?" 

"Sam I'm not playing games what the fuck is going on?" 

"OH!! Dr.Styles! Sir I'm sorry but it's a little to late for you to be calling to set up a babysitting job, but it's a perfectly good time to fuck your wife! Have fun! Talk soon." 

And then I hung up. My phone rang again and again and again until I got to Tyler's house, at which point I left it in the car.

I pulled all of my confidence together and knocked on the door. 

My boyfriend stood infront of me, shirtless. The boy I lost my virginity to, the boy who took me to prom, the boy who I love, and yet all I could say was, "I think we should break up." 

This clearly came as a shock to him because he began to open his mouth to protest, but I was already going back to my car. "I promise I'll explain later, Tyler. I love you, I really love you." I said. 

And as I pulled out of his driveway, I subconsciously began making turns because my mind knew where I wanted to go even if i didn't. 


Every tear that fell from my eye clouded my view just a little bit more, but all I could think about was getting to my brother. I began sobbing, but it didn't stop me from pressing my foot on the gas harder than I ever had before. I didn't care about anything. I ignored stop signs, I ran red lights. One, two, three went by, and then on the fourth, it happened. The truck tried to warn me, it honked persistently, but I didn't stop, and when I looked out my window, I saw the same light I saw that night with Dylan. 

"Close your eyes, Sam." I repeated to myself. "Close your eyes."

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