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This is Leo and Fluttershy,future daughter!!(woohoo!!)

Name : Fio Nardo Hamato

Age : 16 years old

Personality : She's quiet and barely speak.She had her mother's eyes colour. Her hair colour is Blue     and Pink. She's a half Pegasus. Her wings colour are green. She afraid of high place(even though she can fly ). She loves meditating and quiet places. She has a great leadership. Outside,she just like Leo. But inside,she just like Fluttershy.

Examples :

Me : Hello! My name is Sarah. And you?

Fio : Pleasure to meet you Sarah,I am Fio.( bow )

Me : Fio? Your name is Fio?

Fio : Y-yes..( Fio's Thought -Oh No!! She's gonna mock my name!! Eep! Why can't I make any friends!? )

Me : That sound nice!Gotta go! Bye!( waves hand and walk away )

Fio : Bye. ( Fio's Thought- ... Well.. that was easy...)


BFF :  Rachel Shimmer,Daniel Sparkle,Taniela Tello,Mink Pie and Pic Angelo.

Weapon : Shiruken

Me :That's all about her. Now I give you.. Fio! She's gonna give us an advice!yay!

Fio : Arigato,Sarah.( Thank you,Sarah.) If you fail at anything , learn from it. We all done mistakes. No one were born perfect. So don't give up so easily,Okay Cuties?

Me : Yay!! She call you Cute!! Bye, Cuties!

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