Chapter 2- Return of the Past

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Angel's POV-

I fly back to my mansion, leaving my car. And hurriedly ran and called jenny." Jenny Please open my old collection of the past! Code no. 203255." I said quickly. As jenny opened it i was shock." Oh my gosh! She did took the compass that i use to give her on her birthday. That thing is new. Good thing she didn't to mine. Damn it! I knew something would happen!" I said angrily. Until Fury called." Angel, we have to talk now!".

As went back there, the Avengers saw me. But i just ignore them. When i came to fury's office we've talk about about the loss of angelina until i told fury i should be the one whose gonna search for her." This is an outrage! Are you out of your mind!? Fury high his voice." Well yeah!, I'm out of my mind. Because angelina is my goddaughter! If something happens to her, i'll never forgive myself. Because she is mt responsibility. Just give me few months to find her." I said highing my voice.

As i was going to go out fury stopped me." Thunderson, get back here! You don't have the rights to do that!" He said shouting."Dare me! Because she's the part of my family. And YOU DON'T CARE!!!" I shouted." And you don't have the rights to stop the goddess of weather!" I said." Sorry fury, i don't have time to argue with you. I have to go." As i walked out i called clara." Clara prepare my clothes, weapons, and my armour. I need to find angelina. Meet at north. I'll explain to you when i get there".

Angelina's POV-

I ran away to my home, because people ignored me. So i came to this place. I don't even know what is the name of it. Well i did have fun in here. Because i meet new friends. But i felt something wrong, right... my godmother. I miss her so much. I wish she was here and understand my problems.

As my friend gilbert and were talking. Mrs. Lady called. Fixing my hair, giving a beautiful dress. When we we're done, they took me for a big dinner. I bet i'm the only girl in the main table. But i guess not... As their was a beautiful woman. But god mother is more beautiful than her... And she was sitting beside me." Hello, dear." She said smiling at me. As i smile her back. Well her name is Mrs. Cruz. I think she's very nice.

"What's your name?" She asked politely." Angelina Rivera." I answered politely. When we started eating and talking. She ask me to take me to her place and after that were going to the north. Hope i'm okay for it.

( Oh Wow... this is gonna take me down... can't believe that angelina is going to north XD. Well keep on scrolling, cuz were in Chapter 3. Enjoy!!!)

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