Chapter 9- The Battle Field

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As iorek and Angelina reach the place of Gobbler's
They saw a ice bridge. But it won't hold iorek and Angelina." You go first, just don't look down." Iorek said." I'm afraid of heights." She said nervously." Don't worry, i'm right behind you. Just don't look down." He said.As Angelina walks through, the ice cracked as she run to escaped the broken ice bridge." Don't worry Angelina, i'll call the others. Wait for me there." He said.

As she reach that place, she knocked door." Hello dear, what is your name?" A mysterious man said." My name is Nicolette." Angelina said." Well then, welcome to your new home." He said. As he tour the girl and reach the canteen we're she saw gilbert. As they hugged each other." How did you know we're here?" Gilbert asked." Don't i'll get you all outa here." She said." But how?" He asked.

As gilbert took angelina to the place." Good luck to your plan." He said. As she search some papers and exits, few more minutes their we're people who is coming in this meeting room. As go on under, and heard everything about the plan. She saw Mrs. Cruz talking a few moments she went out. She thought she was safe, she was caught by these evil people. And took her in the lab. Where that device remove the dust that sticks you and your daemon.

As Mrs. Cruz saw that angelina was in trouble she open the cage and took her in her bedroom. As angelina woked up." Oh thank heavens your alright." Mrs. Cruz said. But as they started talking it begun to appear that Mrs. Cruz and her godmother are enemies. As she asked to give the compass. But instead its an insect that Fr. Roger trapped in. Mrs. Cruz was paralyzed, as she escaped and destroy the device.

Everyone was out. But then full of soldiers blocked them." C'mon is that all you got?" Angelina said spitting them. As they try to attacked them. Iorek hit it and they ran as fast as they can. The war has started and Queen Clara leaded. And everyone come up even witches. As the war is going to finish. Mrs. Cruz show up with a devil wings. She blocked everyone except iorek and angelina and penny." Oh no, where is godmother?" She thought to herself.

(Okay guys this is so gonna be great what would happen to these three can angel defeat Mrs. Cruz a.k.a Chrysalis Cruz? Find more.)

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