Chapter 5- The Truth from the Past

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When angelina and the others went from the ship, she was sitting on a loaded boxes, seeking for some answers from the compass , until..." Whatcha got there kido?" The man asked." Nothing." She smiled." What's your name little girl?" He asked." Angelina Rivera." She said." The name's Lyric Scortcher." He said.

As they kept on talking and talking, until scortcher slip some words out of his mouth." Sorry about that. Bet you heard something I shouldn't tell." He said." What do you mean? There's a bear in this town?" She asked." You'll see. And you'll meet him." As angelina smiled freely she couldn't even hide her excitement.

Angelina's POV-

This is kinda scary and exciting. I can't believe I'm gonna meet a warrior bear.

"Iorek Brynison, iorek brynison." Fr. Roger said calling him." What is it?" He asked." We want to offer you an employment." Fr. Roger said." I am already employed." He said. As I saw a man spilled two bottles of whiskey or maybe wine?." Is that job they gave you? Drinking whiskey?" I said." I was about to scream for joy, yet I'm upset for what I saw." I said.

As iorek talked about his past and we tried to begged him but we couldn't." I thought bears can make armours? There's no lurking around." I said. Iorek tried to get near us and as he broke a metal fence and tried to tell his story. Until." Come my dear." Fr. Roger said." But father." I said sadly." I'm sorry dear but we can't evolve ourselves anymore. As I opened the compass, I saw everything." He was a prince , he wouldn't been a king if the elder bear combat him. He lost everything." I said sadly. And that's not all, I saw godmother angel from the compass.

"It can't be. Is that true ? Godmother and iorek are friends?" I said." Oh Penn it really hurt him badly. I said badly." Iorek brynison, iorek brynison." I called him." Be careful". Penn said worriedly." I know where your armor is. Its in the abandoned ware house." I said. As he looks at me, he felt he remember someone." What's your name child?" He asked.

"Angelina Rivera." I answered." Well then Angelina Rivera , I will join to your campaign for the last of my breath until I die." He said. As I smiled, he ran through the abandoned ware house. Where his armor is hidden. A few seconds, he came out with the armor wearing.

Few soldiers surrounded him. I try to stop iorek, as one the soldiers try to shoot us. But then..." Now hold your horses boys. This is gonna hurt you all more than I do.So put your guns down." She said. Until Clara came and the others. I noticed the face, it was Mariz. Godmother's cousin." Mariz?" I asked Shockley." Hey girl? How you doin?" She asked with a smile."" So this is the Iorek Brynison?" She said." Howdy iorek. I heard from south that you got some local trouble? So let us call it a day." Lyric Scortcher said.How did you know we're here?" I asked." You'll know. Its a surprise." She said." Another surprise? This the second time i heard that!". I said.

As we we're walking, Mariz was talking about the lost of me." Your mom is worried about you. Even your godmother." She said. I was so sad when I heard what Mariz said." She tried to look for you. That's why she called Clara and me to look after you." She said. As Iorek heard angel's name he remembered his past that he can no longer forget.

(Can Iorek Brynison remember the past of his life? Who betrayed Angel or Iorek? We'll find out when we're in the next chapter. See you there ❤❤❤)

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